Mysterious death

As long as it can, it will keep coming back for more from yours and your neighbors flocks. You may have to eliminate it. Don't worry there will be more moving in to replace it. Since I eliminated the couple of fox that were killing my birds I have seen others around but they haven't messed with my birds yet. If they do I will catch them and eliminate them too. We have no shortages of fox around here. We did have a lot of coyotes but a neighbor gave some coyote hunters permission to hunt on his land and I did hear gunshots over in his direction so I think they may have gotten a few because I haven't been seeing nearly as many as I have in the past. With my cameras up I could actually notice the same ones by certain markings or injuries. They make the rounds. I believe they have routes they routinely follow.
As long as it can, it will keep coming back for more from yours and your neighbors flocks. You may have to eliminate it. Don't worry there will be more moving in to replace it. Since I eliminated the couple of fox that were killing my birds I have seen others around but they haven't messed with my birds yet. If they do I will catch them and eliminate them too. We have no shortages of fox around here. We did have a lot of coyotes but a neighbor gave some coyote hunters permission to hunt on his land and I did hear gunshots over in his direction so I think they may have gotten a few because I haven't been seeing nearly as many as I have in the past. With my cameras up I could actually notice the same ones by certain markings or injuries. They make the rounds. I believe they have routes they routinely follow.

We dont own a gun but our neighbour would be out the back on the lookout for any foxes with a shotgun on his lap. Foxes usually dont last long if they are going after our chickens
The fence we have up is about two meters high and we could not see anything to say something had dug in under the fence.
What does is the fence made of?
Could chicken have stuck it's head thru the fence?

Could it have been a raptor?
How far away did you find the head?
What does is the fence made of?
Could chicken have stuck it's head thru the fence?

Could it have been a raptor?
How far away did you find the head?

This with chicken wire as well. The enclosure is two of these long and one wide, the body was on one side the head on the other and the body wasn't near the wire. We have buzzards around and that was my first suspicion but we hadn't seen any around that day, and they aren't much bigger than the chickens themselves, I don't know would they be able to kill it, but they probably would, seeing as he was a rather small silkie.

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