Mystery chick from meyer hatchery

Good luck. I plan on getting into the breeding and incubating. I have enough room for a nice sized flock i want to do some cross breeding and see what they turn out as. Have you had any luck with cross breeding?

I have yet to do any breeding, but plan on it IF these chicks hatch. Plan is to have a more sustainable flock for meat and eggs (for personal use). I also have Plymouth Barred Rocks in the bator, so...depending on which cockerel(s) I keep will probably do some crosses. That's the plan at the moment anyway - you know how things change though;)

I'm quite excited about the hatching, it's new to me, it's been an adventure - always something new to learn!
Could be!
I don't remember my Meyer New Hampshires being quite as "blonde" but then memory is not what it used to be either LOL
btw- I really like my NH, they are friendly girls and beautiful in the sun. I have breeder NH in the 'bator right now, went into lockdown this morning, I'm hoping for more!
Fun! I've never had NHR until this year. I've got month old babies right now. Though, I will have to compare when I get home and see if they are that light! Good luck on your hatch!
If it's from Meyer and they said it's similar to your spelled Sussex, I am pretty sure it is a Swedish Flower Hen.
My Meyer Production Red was much darker in color. :) Looked up New Hampshire Reds and it looks like they're generally quite blonde (though down color can vary), so....possibly? :D

Since you ordered layers, you will receive a layer as your Meal Maker, so keep in mind that they would most likely add in a breed that is higher in production and more readily available, rather than one of their rarer breeds. I've received a Barred Rock and a Buff Orp thus far. :)

This was my New Hampshire red from ideal, she was more petite shaped and down had more red.
She also had red/orange in her beak.

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