myth or fact?

c is 4 cochin

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Ok, I am not familiar with pigeons. Someone told me that feeding uncooked rice to pigeons will cause the crop to bloat. The story I was told was, that the reason people aren't supposed to throw rice at weddings is because it will cause the crop to swell, thus harming the birds.

I am under the impression that rice on a hard surface might cause people to slip and fall. Also the mess the birds would make hanging around the areas is the real and true reason for places to ban rice throwing. I do know for fact that most restaurants have signs posted around their outdoor seating areas, asking patrons to please not feed the birds because they make a mess.

Getting back to the uncooked rice. Will it actually swell the crop and cause a blockage?
Here is what Cornell has to say
In-case you don't know Cornell is one of the top research places in North America on birds

If birds eat uncooked rice, can it swell up in their throats and stomachs and kill them?
Lots of birds eat uncooked rice in the wild. Bobolinks, sometimes called rice birds, are a good example. While rice is okay for birds, many wedding parties now throw bird seed instead
It isn't that they can't eat the rice as much as the abundance of it at a wedding. The birds tend to eat so much of it that when they do get water it CAN cause a problem, not that it will.

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