LOl yes she is pretty but so the wrong color, she ended up weighing in at 19.8 lbs. big big girl.

Heh I never left home today and still ended up coming home with a new rabbit.

My Friend Shannon went to the Rheinbeck ny show yesterday and bought me an Agouti Netherland Dwarf doe.
cute little thing but she is longer in body than I wanted or needed. will see how she fits the program. end of next month.
Hello we are home now, Thanks so much we had a great time, sold all that we brought with us, I hope everyone loves there little chickys. My husband says that we should bring the a bunch more to milford.
cut it out!! ugh, well, saved me from searching high and low for a white hen. thats the bright side of that little story. he was very nice looking.
glad to hear you will be around next week. I bought 2 things I really did not need. but I like them both! dh says I thought the object was to sell. next week you should not come home with anything. so I had to explain nope, not going to happen, already made plans to buy, bare minimum will be coming home with 4. I just love it when he gets that deer in the headlights look. lol

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