Naked chick? *Sweater Pics* (page 2)

Well, mostly I want to see the picture of the little chick in the sweater!!

Also, I had a Black Sex Link that seemed to grow out of her feathers...she went around practically naked for the longest time!! She also was very skittish during that time and didn't want to be handled too much, etc. It took almost 6 months for her to appear 'normal'. But, even now, she has the cutest 'curl' at the end of some of her feathers. She lays like a machine and is very hardy. She became calmer once she started laying and quit being so naked.

I would make sure that little one was staying warm since it obviously doesn't have its own coat. Extra protein and all that good stuff definitely won't hurt. I left Ducky alone for the most part, and she came out of it by the time the cold weather hit. She seemed to be happiest running around with the 'coated' girls and they didn't really seem to notice she was half-dressed. The poor girl was SO ugly, though...hence, the name in the Ugly Duckling. LOL!

Good luck!!

They say roos can feather out slower than pullets.

In that case, maybe he's a roo-a really, really slow feathering one.

Maybe he's also the only roo too
My sister made me a chicken sweater when I started calling the first chicks I got her "nieces and nephews".

The chicken sweater didn't really fit the naked brahma:

But it did fit my biggest chick, "Monster"

He wasn't impressed:
this is my lil guy. he is way!!! behind the other 51 in feathering out!


here is how all the rest look!


I will just have to add a lamp to the coop until he comes along. They still have a few weeks left. I am giving him extra vitamins.

Good luck and God Bless!
P.S. Love the sweater!!!! I just don't think its his color! LOL It doesn't match his eyes! It looks better on monster! It compliments his skin tone better!
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the sweater is something- monster looks mad

Hope your bald one will start getting his feathers in or sister may have to make another sweater that fits him and is more his color .
Aww he's cute. Looks like my BCM's. My others are in various stages of feathering, some are so fast (like Monster) and some are so slow. But this is the first one I've seen go bald in between. He's feisty and healthy though, and the feathers are slowly coming in. So I guess I'll just wait it out.

I did make them some scrambled eggs, and they all loved it. He's such a paranoid chick though, he spent most of the time running around trying to find a safe place to eat his egg, that he didn't get a whole lot of it. So I pulled him out to give him some and he freaked out and screamed until I put him back. Such an odd little chick.

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