Naked Chicken Bums

Can you get some clear photos of the damage to the BA?

Ideally, chickens should be left with the flock unless they are too sick to be outside with the others.
In winter, I think it's harder on them to bring them in and they go back out - chickens become acclimated to temperatures. I'm not sure why your girl is hanging out in the coop all the time, could be she's lowest in pecking order, but I would make sure and watch that she's eating/drinking well.
Adding another feed station (or 2) may also be helpful if she's being chased from the feeder. I have a few strong willed hens, I've found that having multiple feed stations (4) works best for me. They can't control them all and the lower in pecking order girls get a chance to eat. (see my photo below - not everyone has room to do this, but adding another feeder somewhere can be helpful)

I think coop space is probably one of your problems for 8 large fowl 20sqft (4x5) is very close quarters, imho. 32sqft would be the "minimum" that I would try (4x8) but of course bigger is better.
You are seeing them peck one another during the day? Is this when they are out in the run or while inside the coop?
Increasing protein may also help - feather plucking and eating can be due to lack of protein, lack of space, etc. and is a bad habit that needs to be broken.

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Bobby Sue wasn't terribly interested in posing, but this is what I got. There are currently no open wounds, and she's as spry/ hungry as can be as soon as she's inside. Is not eating or drinking at all outside.... and nobody is chasing her away from the feeder. Grr. I suppose I could set up a feed station in the coop, and remove it at night....

I've also attached a picture of their house/ runs. You can see on the right side an extension to the run.


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I only see one, maybe two nest boxes (on the left most side in the picture). Is that correct? For 8 hens? Or are there more we can't see in the photo? That may be where the pecking happens most often. Odds are, they aren't going into the uncovered snowy part of the run expansion either, and may be feeling crowded. My flock lately has refused to go outside in the run when there's a lot of snow on the ground, excessively windy, or when the snow is melting and falling off the roofs (the noise spooks them). Over the summer, I had a few girls with naked bums like yours, I still don't know the cause (stress maybe? I had made a few changes) but then whatever it was stopped, and then they molted and grew back all the feathers.
I only see one, maybe two nest boxes (on the left most side in the picture). Is that correct? For 8 hens? Or are there more we can't see in the photo? That may be where the pecking happens most often. Odds are, they aren't going into the uncovered snowy part of the run expansion either, and may be feeling crowded. My flock lately has refused to go outside in the run when there's a lot of snow on the ground, excessively windy, or when the snow is melting and falling off the roofs (the noise spooks them). Over the summer, I had a few girls with naked bums like yours, I still don't know the cause (stress maybe? I had made a few changes) but then whatever it was stopped, and then they molted and grew back all the feathers.
They have 4 nest boxes, each big enough for at least two chickens. And there are curtains on each next box.
Bobby Sue wasn't terribly interested in posing, but this is what I got. There are currently no open wounds, and she's as spry/ hungry as can be as soon as she's inside. Is not eating or drinking at all outside.... and nobody is chasing her away from the feeder. Grr. I suppose I could set up a feed station in the coop, and remove it at night....

I've also attached a picture of their house/ runs. You can see on the right side an extension to the run.
She's either learned she's coming inside and is waiting to eat then or something else is going on with her.
Have you made it a routine bringing her inside to be fed and get attention?

The white-ish spots - those are hard to tell - is it just fatty tissue?
She's either learned she's coming inside and is waiting to eat then or something else is going on with her.
Have you made it a routine bringing her inside to be fed and get attention?

The white-ish spots - those are hard to tell - is it just fatty tissue?
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Those are spots that had been dirty when we sprayed the BluKote, and when the dirt fell off, left clean skin behind.
No!!!! Eddie showed up with no pants!!!!! :barnie

We tried installing pinless peppers, but wigged out...... we couldn't seem to get it in the right place. My poor chicken babies!!!!!


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Have you identified who is doing this? Can you do some searching on how to put the peepers on? Some use Bag Balm or other bad tasting ointments to discourage pecking, but you have a serious problem. Vent pecking can be deadly, and many will learn this behavior making it a habit.
Have you identified who is doing this? Can you do some searching on how to put the peepers on? Some use Bag Balm or other bad tasting ointments to discourage pecking, but you have a serious problem. Vent pecking can be deadly, and many will learn this behavior making it a habit.
X2 I would try to figure out who's doing that and separate them out. I'm never a fan of separation, but that's quite a bit of damage from picking, I don't believe I've ever seen the back of the legs picked like that either.
Maybe try some Pine Tar? I've never used it, but have read of others using it to help deter picking.

Do you notice if she's obsessively picking at herself too? Any of her wing feathers looking stripped down to the shaft? No lice or mites?

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