Naked Chicken Bums

Have you identified who is doing this? Can you do some searching on how to put the peepers on? Some use Bag Balm or other bad tasting ointments to discourage pecking, but you have a serious problem. Vent pecking can be deadly, and many will learn this behavior making it a habit.

We watched some videos, then put the pinless peepers on Agatha. Unfortunately, she clawed them off immediately and tore her nostril open. We can't do that again....

Agatha, SS, and Lizzie, BO are the primary feather eaters, but others have picked it up a bit as well. We put out the higher protein food... here's hoping.


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X2 I would try to figure out who's doing that and separate them out. I'm never a fan of separation, but that's quite a bit of damage from picking, I don't believe I've ever seen the back of the legs picked like that either.
Maybe try some Pine Tar? I've never used it, but have read of others using it to help deter picking.

Do you notice if she's obsessively picking at herself too? Any of her wing feathers looking stripped down to the shaft? No lice or mites?

No lice, no mites. Just three naked chicken bums, and a few others beginning to look bedraggled.

I'll put on some "Peck-No-More", and then bring the two chief culprits inside.
This is so completely unsustainable....
Yes it is :lol:
I don't mean to laugh at your troubles, but that SS at the TV is just too much! :)

OK. Let's see.
Are you noticing the pecking during the day? I suspect a lot of it may be at roosting time or while on the roost, but...
As for separation - how many are actually doing the picking?

This is your current set-up right? (below)
What is the little structure that's at the end of the covered run? Can a piece of roofing be put on that and a door so you have some temporary emergency housing? The chain link kennel - do you use that? I know it may be snowy? But some straw on the snow helps a lot. You can put a couple of whole bales of straw in there too for birds to get on. A tarp across the top or 1/2 of it can help keep snow/rain out. For wind blocking - again, straw bales work pretty good, a tarp to block direct wind. I even use a couple of old windows in a couple of places, they allow the sun to shine through, but block wind - not that attractive, but it works.

Let's see what else we can come up with. Getting some temporary housing set up is doable I think - what kind of materials do you have laying around that can be used?

Yes it is :lol:
I don't mean to laugh at your troubles, but that SS at the TV is just too much! :)

OK. Let's see.
Are you noticing the pecking during the day? I suspect a lot of it may be at roosting time or while on the roost, but...
As for separation - how many are actually doing the picking?

This is your current set-up right? (below)
What is the little structure that's at the end of the covered run? Can a piece of roofing be put on that and a door so you have some temporary emergency housing? The chain link kennel - do you use that? I know it may be snowy? But some straw on the snow helps a lot. You can put a couple of whole bales of straw in there too for birds to get on. A tarp across the top or 1/2 of it can help keep snow/rain out. For wind blocking - again, straw bales work pretty good, a tarp to block direct wind. I even use a couple of old windows in a couple of places, they allow the sun to shine through, but block wind - not that attractive, but it works.

Let's see what else we can come up with. Getting some temporary housing set up is doable I think - what kind of materials do you have laying around that can be used?

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You're the best..... and yes, my SS makes me smile every day.

The structure is a fancy tunnel linking the two cages, with sliding doors on either side. We have future plans to make the top into a cabinet.... someday. The tunnel is open most of the time. Using it as a chicken jail sounds great!

I have committed to shoveling the chain link area everytime it snows, now. They love digging though the pine needles that are in there. Great idea regarding the hay bale. I just cleaned out the snow, and most of them are playing in there now. We have some plywood laying around we could put on top.

A bunch of them are now wearing the peck no more lotion as well....
You could ask any friends if they might have an extra dog crate lying around unused that you could borrow temporarily. Most people with dogs or cats have at least one. Sorry that you are dealing with this. @Wyorp Rock has some good suggestions.
Today, I locked the trouble makers in the chain-link portion, and the docile birds in the normal portion. That worked fairly well. Currently, they are free-ranging while I'm doing work on my computer. This will be great in the spring/summer when we have more nice weather to get me outside, tending the garden, fresh air, etc.

Someone did wake up and announce to the entire neighborhood her egg-laying activities at 7am. I was less than impressed...and more than a little concerned for when the days arrive earlier!!! gah....
Today, I locked the trouble makers in the chain-link portion, and the docile birds in the normal portion. That worked fairly well. Currently, they are free-ranging while I'm doing work on my computer. This will be great in the spring/summer when we have more nice weather to get me outside, tending the garden, fresh air, etc.

Someone did wake up and announce to the entire neighborhood her egg-laying activities at 7am. I was less than impressed...and more than a little concerned for when the days arrive earlier!!! gah....
Glad it went well!

LOL Chickens can be a little noisy at times. Are you allowed chickens in your neighborhood? If you feel that the neighbors might get annoyed, then you may want to give away a few eggs.

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