naked chicken (scaless geen) RIP he is no longer with us so sad

he is 5 1/2 mounths in the most resent pics he is about 6 mounths now

no he will never have spurs because he has no scalles on his legs and therefor no spurs
I agree. I have an oddball that took forever to get feathers and we were both fairly miserable about it. He couldn't go out with his chicken family and I really got tired of having him inside. Not as fun as you might think...
yes they need special care and MUST BE HEETED IN THE COLD but unlike the scaless birds you have over there mine has been breed with black/gray skin to protect them from the sun and do well here in the summer outside but need good housing to ptotect them from rain /storms /changes in weather

I like that they have the black skin, it looks reaaly nice.
Actually it won't. The lack of feathers will further induce skin lesions, rashes, burns, etc. The fact that most broilers live in such poor conditions that require medication, antibiotics, and still there is constant casualty, a naked chicken just makes the issue even worse.
They already have. Here's me with a rooster. The red is from testosterone.

LOL I love these things!

If I remember correctly, the scaleless gene was going to be used to help make featherless broilers in countries such as Peru, Israel, and other countries that maintain a fairly warm temperature and raise the birds on "flats" or "boards" instead of in houses in the U.S. It's more costly to raise broilers in those areas and heat really gets the birds, so scaleless (featherless) genes were supposed to be brought in to help keep the heat down on the birds and to decrease the plucking costs.

Really neat. If I could have one in my house, you KNOW I'd be raising featherless Langshans...
OMG that's just wrong! I could never keep one of these mutants LOL birds are supposed to have feathers
thats what makes them birds.. and here I thought turkens were ugly

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