Naked Neck/Turken Thread

From the chicks I got from Nava (keep in mind that the order was split amongst three of us) I didn't get any blue hens. I've kept 1 blue cockerel with black legs, 1 black hen with black legs, and three splash hens, one has green legs and two have very light grey legs.
I really didn't want one more roo, but darn it! I'm determined to get a blue hen!! I know I have a while, but is my best bet breeding the blue roo to the black hen? What do I get if I pair him with the splash? Also, if I breed to the green legs will I most likely get green legs? I'd rather not have green l'eggers

Finally, when does all this madness end?!!???!

Kaussandra, I was going to guess that you have a LOT of boys...but after seeing Alyce birdbrain's pictures I don't know what to tell you.
Alice bb, I absolutely love Jupiter.

Her pics actually gave me hope!!!! LOL LOL LOL just hope it's not false hope. The kind BYCer that gave them to me has offered to trade what I think are boys w/ what she thinks are girls, but I can't make up my mind what I think are boys. I especially have added hope for Ms White (who I really want to be a girl)
Just picked up are chicks that hatched today. These are the coolest looking nn I've seen. Black skinned, black skinned feathered feet, and hopefully some frizzled. I can't post pics off the phone, but they are the cutest little things,especially the black skinned ones :)
I have some La Fleche X NN....I think/hope!

I'm just out from hospital with a rather impressive gut cut, but managed to get to the ag. shed and gently lifted the broody to find a couple of little black chicks....unable to determine what they look like fully yet. Once they are fully out from under momma hen I will get some pics.

She had 5 eggs in total and all candled as having live embryos at day 17, so she may have more.
Now I have seen a little pair of black legs as the chicks are starting to move about. One chick looks all black and the other has some grey on it. I haven't yet been able to see as to whether they have naked necks. They all have La Flèche mums, so they may have 'horns' for combs.

I'll try to look up the genetics of the comb, but if someone happens to know off hand, is black dominant or recessive? All mums are black pure La Flèche.....but dad could be Melvin, black pure bred NN with clean neck and single comb, Arian ..... small splash NN cross with grey background feathers who could even have one parent a bantam and has a rose comb, Gordon.....needs no introduction, but NN X Blue Partridge Brahma, Artemis, pencilled Dark Brahma, or Twp, pure Blue Partridge Brahma, and Lestat, pure La Flèche. I know....far too much detail and far too many males, but they don't fight, so they can stay.

Thanks for any help.
Now I have seen a little pair of black legs as the chicks are starting to move about. One chick looks all black and the other has some grey on it. I haven't yet been able to see as to whether they have naked necks. They all have La Flèche mums, so they may have 'horns' for combs.

I'll try to look up the genetics of the comb, but if someone happens to know off hand, is black dominant or recessive? All mums are black pure La Flèche.....but dad could be Melvin, black pure bred NN with clean neck and single comb, Arian ..... small splash NN cross with grey background feathers who could even have one parent a bantam and has a rose comb, Gordon.....needs no introduction, but NN X Blue Partridge Brahma, Artemis, pencilled Dark Brahma, or Twp, pure Blue Partridge Brahma, and Lestat, pure La Flèche. I know....far too much detail and far too many males, but they don't fight, so they can stay.

Thanks for any help.

Good morning; Sorry to hear you were in the hospital; hope everything is OK. Kev will be able to help with the genetics .He is amazing. Please keep your cut well bandaged and clean when around your flock.I'm a microbiologist with OCD. A doctor friend of mine ended up getting Salmonella through a cut on his leg. Just please be safe ( I obsess about these things)
Thanks Queenchick16.....I've taken your advice and covered the incision it with a large sterile dressing as it was uncovered (though under clothing). With chickens, sheep, dogs, cats etc....who knows what could grow in there! Though pre-op MRSA swabs were negative
at least.

Ive seen the first two chicks and they seem to have feathered necks....

I've also done a bit of Google research which maybe Kev or other genetic guru could confirm. The article I read on the V comb said that it was multi allelic and would show incomplete dominance when crossed with a single combed bird.From this I understand that offspring with a V comb would be most likely. No mention was made as to what would be the outcome if the father had a pea comb (or the exuberant walnut-type comb that Arian has).

With regards to the black coloration (BB) I again understand that black is dominant and when crossed with a white bird (bb) would give a 'blue' bird....don't know why grey is referred to as blue in the chicken world.

So....I'm guessing that the first two with feathered necks are not Melvin's as he's pure NN with no neck feathers....which only leaves 5 other potential fathers. Arian is probably half bantam and has 5 toes on one his offspring may be apparent. Gordon sand Twp (Blue Partridge Brahma) are joint alpha....but Twp has Brahma quality leg feathers whilst Twp (who is Gordon's father) has cross-breed type leg feathers. Both chicks appear to have naked legs.

Now I'm sure to have confused everyone (myself included).

Oh and I think Jupiter is AMAZING.
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Jupiter and Martha are females????????????????? I am so confused
Just how do you sex them short of crow or egg??

I know what you mean! Combs and wattles on both sexes gets confusing! I am going through the same thing with my showgirls, I wish I could tell what they are now. They are five weeks old and I have no clue. All but one acts like a boy. They all have small wattles, but both genders get them.

I saw some where that when they are chicks you can tell by their wing feathers. Girls feather's grow faster and they will have longer feather's on the second row. This has worked almost all the time for me. I also read at anther yet to be remembered location that if you drop a wadded up paper towel or something like that in the brooder the females will run and the males will check it out. When I got Jupiter the lady blew on her but and somehow knew from that but I don't know that trick yet. Martha is a retired laying hen so I already knew she was a she.
Just picked up are chicks that hatched today. These are the coolest looking nn I've seen. Black skinned, black skinned feathered feet, and hopefully some frizzled. I can't post pics off the phone, but they are the cutest little things,especially the black skinned ones :)

Is this them? I think I have the right email (Dawn? fingers crossed):



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