Name all the stupid things you've manage to do over an egg!

Sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!
i went out to the coop to gather my 4 precious eggs i get everyday.. i have two in each hand and all of a sudden my roo notices the coop door is open and heads towards me and the door. in my haste to shut it fast i step out and slam the door shut.. just in time... too bad i forgot the eggs were in my hands and running down the door and my arms.. so i take the mess and being so flustered already, throw the shells and mess into the tall grass in the field next to the coop.. after i get cleaned up it dawns on me.. i have just enticed every predator known to man to come on over and eat the egg yuck and plz notice my chickens.... can i blame it on menopause? lol
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Winter is on it's way and I have promised myself I will sew the pockets shut on my favorite chores coat. One too many smashed eggs in the pockets last winter.

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