name game!


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
Newport, Wales, UK.
hey its brandon,

i thought it would be fun to have a name game! you tell me the names of your chickens, and your reason for the name, maybe some pics, and i will judge 1st to 5th place according to, comedy value, most original, food reference, look-like-the-fowl, play on words, doubles that go together(e.g. sugar and spice), and the one with most of each category, will judge each category 1st place to 5th placed, and you can win in more than one category, it will be a laugh! lets just have a go, i will post mine later guys!
thanks for the game:D

He is my silkie rooster.
We had a local chicken farmer sex him for us he said he was a she. Then he started crowing so we posted a picture of him and asked if he was a she or a he. They told us that he was a he and we just havent been able to change his name. It just kind of stuck.
Here is my Silkie flock they are named after the ghosts off the Ms. Pac-man game and one is named Ms. Pac-man of course
the blue one is Sue

then the black one is Blinky

the two blue partridge are Inky

and Pinky

the partridge is Ms. Pac-man
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margarita and tipsy.

they are my white silkies. i called her margarita because she was found drinking a margarita!(dont ask) and tipsy because after you have too many margarita's you become tipsy

will post pics later
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Lucy and Ethel, from "I Love Lucy" show 2 plymouth rock pullets
Batman and Robin- two d'uccle cockerals

I have a silkie pullet named Pretty Little Princess :p
Elsie the RIR Roo... i thought it was a girl Lol
Diego the RIR hen
Dora the silkie mix Roo
Cutie RIR hen
Tigi Beadhead the silkie mix roo with random feathers that stand up
Micah the mystery Roo
Silkie the smooth silkie mix hen
Coco the golden sex link hen
Fraggle the EE hen
Fluffy the EE hen
my leghorns name is Buffy the Worm Slayer instead of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, my roosters name is Fabio after the italian model, Rhode Island Reds named Chompy, Midge and Roxy Hart
Ours are named - Chick Nugget, Road Runner, Peck Monkey and Charcoal. All named by my 2 girls
King Tut and his girls, Pandora (Pandy), Cleopatra (Clee). and Isis (Icey). He just acts like he is royalty with all the perks that go with it. (In other words, he is spoiled rotten, lol)


all the girls look exactly alike, this is Clee. She thinks Mom is cool and always is right where I am.


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