Naming birds

We are giving our chicks names when we notice a certain personality. We have a RIR that we named Squeeky because every time you pick her up or rub her she squeeks. We have a RIR named Sweetie cause she comes to you and wants to lay down in your lap and she is just a sweetie. We have a RIR roo named BarBQ, not for any specific reason, it just fit cause he's the color of our favorite Barbeque sauce. We have a Brown Leghorn named Maybelline cause it looks like she has mascara on. Well you get the picture.....................
I had all these names picked out that honored all my Mom's friends and relatives; such as, Sadie, Thelma, Mabel, etc. All old-fashioned names, right? Well, that all went out the door as soon as my grandkids started naming their picks. So now we have: Puff, Peep, Lil Red, Rose, Feather, Scatter, Henrietta, Daphne, Daisy, Daffodil. We still have six to name yet. Oh well, the kids had lots of fun thinking up names. :aww
I am with the others on naming as they reveal themselves. Sometimes names just come out of our mouths because they fit the moment. Sweetie Pie was the first because she was one--friendly and sweet. Baby was the runt, Fluffy was the EE with the huge cheeks. Then there are the three rotund Speckled Sussex: Skittles, Pudgie and Squidgie, and the big Cuckoo Marans-Big Mama, Edith Head (she has a big head), and one yet to be named. And our EE Alfraida, who has always been the most skittish.
I've got 11 chicks between 2 and 3 weeks of age. I was surprised at how difficult it's been to name them. I refused to name them at first because we lost two the first night and then we lost another the second night from the second batch we got. After a few days I chose names of some of my Dutch ancestors for my Barnevelders and Welsummers. Then a couple of names just came to me for the other batch. The austrolorp was first; she became Betsy after a middle school friend who had black hair. The brown EE is Bonnie (for Easter Bonnet I guess....). DS (6yo) named the darker of the red stars Butterscotch for her color. I tried to tell him that she will be darker when she's older but it stuck anyway. The other EE, at least I think that's what she is, is almost white now. She became Vanessa, because she looked like Vanilla pudding. The other red star and the two buff orpingtons haven't been named yet. Nothing is coming to me. They're starting to get their feathers and that may help.
Well they are going on 3 weeks old and still no names.
I was watching them tonight, but still nothing. They are funny to watch and I take great care of them. But for some reason naming them is no concern. Maybe I'm just too lazy to come up with 17 names.

They are starting to come around to being called chick chick. I finally have a buff orpington that will walk up to my hand. The leg horns are still very flighty I'm hoping if I keep handling them they will come around
I only have one chicken and I still haven't named her. I just can't decide what her name should be. Sooner or later she will get a name though. She is about seven months old.
Mine all have names from the day they hatch. They all have such different personalities, I've never had trouble telling them apart. Of course, I've sold quite a few, so I can't guarantee they've kept their names.

I just had two Jersey Giants hatch today; provided they are male and female they will be Don Cheep and Apellonia.

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