Nardole the Brave!

So sweet! :love
It's good to hear good roo stories (vs bad roos).
My other young cockerel isn't nearly as well behaved. He isn't horrible, just rude and a little rough.
He is physically a much nicer specimen, and young enough he may grow a brain yet, but I may just hatch some Nardole eggs in the spring, keep the nicest male, and find Rory a new home.
hmm, I'm seeing a pattern... do we have a Whovian in our midst perhaps?

On topic, Nardole sounds wonderful, I would love to be able to keep a roo but alas my suburb has an ordinance against them.
Hahaha see my Sunshine Motel thread for the full rundown of Whovian chickens!
Nardole is a blast. I have had many many a rooster in my life, and he is the most considerate towards his ladies and 'his' chicks I have seen.
Nardole roosting with Susan and the babies.
Nardole the Brave, Defender of the Flock, has earned his title once again today by DEFENDING HIS FLOCK AGAINST A HAWK!

Once again, he lived to tell about it AND so did all the hens AND not so much as a scratch on him!

Whew! He is THE MAN!!
Per chance does he tour giving lectures to other would be roosters on proper behavior and expectations?? I will sign Fabio up if he visits our area!!

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