National Coming Out Day

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I do love this though..

I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.
Paul Newman

I support the right for all people to love who they choose.
chickensducks&agoose :

so you're coming out as a 'friend of the gay'? I am coming out as a rabid supporter of all things discriminated against, and as a closet soda drinker. I eschew all alcohol, but do love me a frosty rootbeer at the end of a rough day.

* GASP* I never knew that about you... all this time.. *tisk..tisk..*

You eschew all alcohol?? Dear god... get some help!!
chickensducks&agoose :

so you're coming out as a 'friend of the gay'? I am coming out as a rabid supporter of all things discriminated against, and as a closet soda drinker. I eschew all alcohol, but do love me a frosty rootbeer at the end of a rough day.

Change that "soda" to "pop" lose the eschewing alcohol, and change the frosty rootbeer to a dry red wine, and I'm SO there with ya!

chickensducks&agoose :

so you're coming out as a 'friend of the gay'? I am coming out as a rabid supporter of all things discriminated against, and as a closet soda drinker. I eschew all alcohol, but do love me a frosty rootbeer at the end of a rough day.

Me too but now we might be hijacking this thread.​
It is not silly when people are being beaten and bullied and fired over it. Teens especially need to hear that there are many of us who will support and love them, and stand up for them.

Every person is ridiculed and at some point in history MOST have been beaten and/or killed for beliefs, lifestyles, etc. Gay, Christian, African American, etc. etc. I am not saying it is right, but it happens. I no more support those who tease, beat, and murder, than I do those who make it a point to announce the thing getting folks teased, beaten, and murdered. Just sayin. I have gay friends and family just as I'm sure 99% of the folks on this board do. I just don't see making a big deal of it with a National day, and I disagree with the lifestyle. Had I been born gay...I'd be celibate period, but that's what is right for me and my beleif system. Either way, drawing attention to a personal decision of sexual lacking in taste IMO.

Im sorry that you feel that way, and i am glad that you were not born gay, as you would have chosen to have a miserable and lonely life.
But unfortunatly there are people out there who are ashamed of who they are, and are living lonely lives, and thats no way to live.

As for celebrating and recognising someones sexual orientation being in your words 'in bad taste' have you really thought about that statement?
Everytime someone gets married, engaged, celebrates valentines day, shows affection for their partner, holds hands, kisses, or even states in a signature line on BYC that they are married or have a partner. That must be all 'in bad taste' ...

If there was less judgement and more acceptance in the world than us 'people', as we've been referred to, would not have to have one day in whole the year to celebrate, encourage and make welcome others who are just discovering themselves. With no judgement and more acceptance we would be able to openly and happily celebrate it everyday, year in year out, just like everyone else.

I do not judge people based on Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Political Beliefs, Personal Appearance, Occupation, Family Circumstance, Dining Preference, Shoe Size, or Choice of Toothpaste... Get the point?
Your personality is what should count.

In this day and age, there should be no discrimination of anybody, for anything. Period.
Its called freedom, respect it.
I'm coming out, too. As a straight, white, conservative male, who is tired of the whole minority group mess....Four of my very good friends are lesbians, and it ain't no big deal. They live life, like everyone else. Except that they do need to call a man, on occasion, to do those things, which they only think they can do.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Thank You Jesus im not the only one!

And hope you "People" know Gay is the english word for "Happy". And i never said God didnt love them. i Said i dont support it. and Im now getting PM's About This, I will have replys to your PM's.

It is not silly when people are being beaten and bullied and fired over it. Teens especially need to hear that there are many of us who will support and love them, and stand up for them.​

Then discuss bullying. Anybodys sexual preference is not family friendly. Period. Not my opinion , Fact.
i am already "out" but wanted to throw my hat in the ring just to say it does get better. I have alot of straight friends and I try to be supportive of them.
I just need them to stay out of my bedroom.
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