National Coming Out Day

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chickensducks&agoose :

Hear Hear!!! Honey, I thought you were going to bed!

Sorry... tried... the hair on the back of my neck was standing up
I am a Wiccan, have been for decades, my best friend joined a CONVENT, that's about as Catholic as it comes, I hugged my friends that I ran into at dinner that are Mormon, just as I ran into a friend that is Gay. It is a matter of RESPECT and our society always cries about opinions and being PC. This is why no one gets along, THIS is why everyone sues and fights and beats on each other, because no one stops to see the inherent goodness that people are capable of and is too busy throwing labels on everyone and everything. THIS is why our country is falling apart people, because we cant even get along with EACH OTHER, and we call ourselves Americans... the way we are behaving is a disgrace!! The statue of liberty is a symbol of freedom, from fear, from poverty, from tyranny and when we treat our OWN CITIZENS with such blatant disrespect we are going against everything this country stands for and what is supposed to make us great! What happened to melting pot? Now the only opinion that is accepted is main stream general consensus. Every other thought or opinion is looked upon with fear and loathing... just plain wrong...

I think you win..

Well, as a former teenager, I can honestly say that many teenagers are VERY stupid, and self conscious, and self involved, and afraid... which, if you add in a heavy secret, a feeling that they need to hide who they really are, it can lead to trouble. Statistics say that 10% or more (probably more) of people worldwide are gay, so that's at least 10% of our BYC members, and likely includes at least a few people in each family. yes, yours and mine too. thats just fact, not opinion or inflammatory.
.... ((closing her mouth now and going to bed, not sure that she likes where this is going))...

What because I think its WRONG...I let them live their life, but don't push it onto other.........sure nothing to be proud of.
chickensducks&agoose :

Well, as a former teenager, I can honestly say that many teenagers are VERY stupid, and self conscious, and self involved, and afraid... which, if you add in a heavy secret, a feeling that they need to hide who they really are, it can lead to trouble. Statistics say that 10% or more (probably more) of people worldwide are gay, so that's at least 10% of our BYC members, and likely includes at least a few people in each family. yes, yours and mine too. thats just fact, not opinion or inflammatory.

Now I think I really DO need to go to bed before my sarcasm rears it's ugly head
I think I'd like to have a beer with you in New England... (zomg I said BEER) ok yup going to bed... before I manage to say something that might interpreted in an insensitive and non PC way that might lead to the argument that I am discriminatory... OMG... to all of you! LoVE YOU even you closed minded ones... now here's a bit of good sense. Log off your computer and go read a book! Night all.​
Yeah I "let" the straight people live the life they choose--they aren't normal to me.
Its all a matter of perspective. Good night all, I am glad the thread remained opened as long as it has.
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Well, as a former teenager, I can honestly say that many teenagers are VERY stupid, and self conscious, and self involved, and afraid... which, if you add in a heavy secret, a feeling that they need to hide who they really are, it can lead to trouble. Statistics say that 10% or more (probably more) of people worldwide are gay, so that's at least 10% of our BYC members, and likely includes at least a few people in each family. yes, yours and mine too. thats just fact, not opinion or inflammatory.

Now I think I really DO need to go to bed before my sarcasm rears it's ugly head
I think I'd like to have a beer with you in New England... (zomg I said BEER) ok yup going to bed... before I manage to say something that might interpreted in an insensitive and non PC way that might lead to the argument that I am discriminatory... OMG... to all of you! LoVE YOU even you closed minded ones... now here's a bit of good sense. Log off your computer and go read a book! Night all.

Openminded=gay is okay, but thinking gay is not okay...isn't ok? Is that correct?
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