Native buckbrush in chicken run?


Apr 9, 2020
Central Oklahoma
I’ve got a 1000sqft run that I’m working on planting shrubs and bushes in for shady predator-free cover. I’ve so far got a lilac shrub that I transplanted from another part of my yard, zebra grass, and some kind of other native shrub I also transplanted. I’m one of my horse pastures I have TONS of native buckbrush that I could easily transplant, but I don’t know if it’s chicken safe. Anyone know about buckbrush or other native to Oklahoma chicken safe shrubs, bushes, or small trees?
I was not able to find this on any lists of plants toxic to poultry, so probably okay - by now you've moved some already I would guess, I'm curious how your run planting has progressed.
I was not able to find this on any lists of plants toxic to poultry, so probably okay - by now you've moved some already I would guess, I'm curious how your run planting has progressed.
I haven’t yet planted it I realized it has berries in the winter so I’m thinking it’s a no. I’ve since added bamboo, monkey grass, and purslane. It’s coming along quite nicely!

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