Natural wasp repellent and chickens?

Set up wasp traps away from your coop area then think about why you have so many wasps. Yellow Jacket wasps will congregate where there is waste such as feces, dead bodies, old food and so forth. Other wasps like dark quiet areas in which to make a nest. Adding ventilation during summer months work great at keeping wasps away. (Fans at full speed).

There are lots of natural traps out there that will reduce the number of flying insects in your area.




They key is to set the wasp traps away from where people/animals live. Put a bunch traps where you live will attract those bugs exactly where you don't want them!
I like the trap idea, I take it these are paper wasps and not mud daubers. When I find a paper wasp nest I toss some gas on it, keep sparks away, but they will not return to this nest spot for several years. This is an off label use for fuel, and may to be completely legal.
I try not to kill our friends, we need these bugs! Here the bees are struggling to survive all the pesticides. I have few germinators left to work my garden.
I speak for the bees, even though I am allergic,,,
I agree pesticides don’t really work for me. We have too few bugs as it is. This wasp is also a pollinator for me so I don’t want elimination by any means. I do however want to walk in back without being seen as dinner. They were very aggressive when we first moved in.
Not sure how it is with you guys but when I was a kid washing bugs off windshields and bumpers was a weekly chore. Now I feel sorry for the one bug I hit every week.
Thank you, everyone, for all the valuable advice. Y'all are awesome! I'm going to send the link of this thread to my mother so she can determine the best course of action. But the traps sound amazing! I usually don't see more than one or two wasps at a time, thankfully. But as it seems like my grandmother is allergic, and my brother has a phobia, it's imperative that we get rid of them. If the traps can lure them away from the areas my brother and grandmother use, then it's definitely worth a shot!

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