NE Oklahoma Chicken Stock - Let's Plan!

On the CL post, who's Light Sussex rooster is that? He is so gorgeous!!

~ Aspen
He's in a breeding pen here at Waddle Bock Farm. I love Sussex because they have calm personalities. I've never had a mean one. I purchased him at almost a year old from Joe Villamill (banjoejoe4783).
Do you ever sell hatching eggs from your Sussex? Here is a picture of my LS boy, Winston~

He's in a breeding pen here at Waddle Bock Farm. I love Sussex because they have calm personalities. I've never had a mean one. I purchased him at almost a year old from Joe Villamill (banjoejoe4783).
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Do you ever sell hatching eggs from your Sussex? Here is a picture of my LS boy, Winston~
I'm in the middle of a broody epidemic with my Sussex right now. I'd be happy to do an egg swap next month, when the girls are finished with their break. Remind me in about 30 days and we'll set something up.

Beautiful birds you've got! I love the breed.
I've just updated the barn map to show that space 159 will be used for the Egg Swap. Jcat mentioned an egg swap and I'm hoping she can enlighten me as to the best way to make this work. The idea is to allow people to bring hatching eggs and swap them for different hatching eggs. I've got a table we can use for the swap. Should people get a numbered ticket so they know when it's their turn to go in the space and get eggs? Maybe we could draw numbered tickets to make the order completely random. Would that be a fair way to determine the order?

What do people think about only swapping bantams for bantams and large fowl for large fowl? What about duck eggs, goose eggs, turkey eggs, peafowl, or guinea eggs? Would each of these be worth one large fowl chicken egg, or should it not matter the size of the egg so long as it's an egg? Should the eggs be secret until it's your turn to pick your eggs? We could use a screen around the space so that people can't look in before it's their turn?
I love this idea, but I don't know how to make it fun AND fair for all who participate.

We'd need a posted time for all the eggs to be checked in and on the selection table. We'd need a start time for the first person to come get his/her eggs. I don't think we want twenty people bumping elbows like they're at a door buster event at Macy's. Let me know your thoughts.
I like the idea of the random draw. But can't think of a way to do it where there won't be many people there all at once. The only way to make it even (same amount of eggs in as out) is egg for egg. If you say two chicken eggs equal one pea egg etc... you may not have enough eggs at the end. (or possibly to many depending on if I bring a pea egg and take two chicken eggs or visa versa)

A problem I can foresee is if I bring mixed eggs and I get drawn randomly first and I pick as my take home eggs some of the pure eggs, then someone who brought pure eggs will likely have to go home w/ mix or designer eggs (mix to most purist) some may get miffed at this.

But I love this idea.
Hello, I just posted over on the Okie thread. I would love to help with the egg swap. I like the idea of drawing a number, or maybe a pick time? Maybe allowing 10 min per person to pick? Then the person would know when their turn is and can look around and not have to stay right there. I don't have a clue how to make the number of eggs clear...Maybe like at those arcade places my kids love. A certain egg is worth one "ticket" (or egg in this case). Then Peacock or turkey eggs would cost more? Oh I don't know, somehow that made more sense in my head. But that happens a lot with me! Just tell me to go sit down before I hurt myself if need be! I don't mind at all.
I like the idea of the random draw. But can't think of a way to do it where there won't be many people there all at once. The only way to make it even (same amount of eggs in as out) is egg for egg. If you say two chicken eggs equal one pea egg etc... you may not have enough eggs at the end. (or possibly to many depending on if I bring a pea egg and take two chicken eggs or visa versa)

A problem I can foresee is if I bring mixed eggs and I get drawn randomly first and I pick as my take home eggs some of the pure eggs, then someone who brought pure eggs will likely have to go home w/ mix or designer eggs (mix to most purist) some may get miffed at this.

But I love this idea.
You are right Kass, good points. I can see if someone were to bring pure eggs and by their time to pick there are no other pure eggs left they may feel pretty upset. I wouldn't blame them.
Honestly I don't know if someone would bring a bunch of peacock eggs to swap tho. But if they do I wanna pick first! LOL
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Hello, I just posted over on the Okie thread. I would love to help with the egg swap. I like the idea of drawing a number, or maybe a pick time? Maybe allowing 10 min per person to pick? Then the person would know when their turn is and can look around and not have to stay right there. I don't have a clue how to make the number of eggs clear...Maybe like at those arcade places my kids love. A certain egg is worth one "ticket" (or egg in this case). Then Peacock or turkey eggs would cost more? Oh I don't know, somehow that made more sense in my head. But that happens a lot with me! Just tell me to go sit down before I hurt myself if need be! I don't mind at all.
Love this idea, at the time you drop off your eggs you could randomly draw a paper slip w/ a time. They would be premade w/ times starting just after the set deadline of when all eggs had to be checked in. Then you know what time you would need to return to select your eggs, that way no lines or crowds and it would be completely random.
It is going to be hard to determine "value" for the eggs. Pea eggs can bring $10-$20 turkey eggs $5 duck eggs $2 it is rare that a chicken egg ever brings $2-- I am talking local auctions not online auctions.
I think the best way to approach bringing & swapping eggs would be as if your eggs were almost like a donation & then you getting eggs in return would be a perk.
I think the egg swap is a perfect way for you to be able to share your favorite breed with someone else who might not have the chance to have that breed.
My 2 cents. Limit to standard chickens mixed, standard chickens pure, Banty chickens mixed, Banty chickens pure. You get a slip saying what you brought, how many and what category.. First in First out. Your numbered slip will tell you what # you are to come back. Mixes picks mixes, pures pick pures. Off sides trades would be encouraged. Set a time for all swap eggs to be in.. Start time will be that time.. Maybe this would work this time and next year we could get more categories.. Cathie Sue

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