NE Oklahoma Chicken Stock - Let's Plan!

Old Cowboy I really loved that wallet you made with the rooster lifting weights. Do you think you might have one of those there? Or even something else with that design? I would really really like something with that design!!
That wallet didnt sale, so it will probable be there. Will have another item or two with that design too.
Joe, will you be able to sex the juvies by then? I can pay you ahead of time (like now) for 4 pullets. Otherwise I'll still pay you ahead of time for 4 unsexed. I like the rumpless ones. Not all in a hatch come out that way, do they? I've always wanted some of those and I didn't even realize they came in those colors, that's even better.
no need to pay now i will bring you some
Will be pounding out some chicken design wallets, belt buckles maybe a purse. Anyone looking for any particular thing let me know so I can have time to get it done.

Old Cowboy - How about some key fobs? I'd love to have one or two with chicken designs. Or you might not have designs small enough. Just a thought.

I'm looking forward to NEOCS too. I had to miss POOPS. Poop! Well, I'm bringing my sweet man who is not onto chickens but CHESS! So if any of you are looking for a game he'll be there. He loves to teach kids as well so if you have young one who are interested come on by. We're at 71-73.
I'll also have rug hooking display there too and will be happy to demo.
i have an 11 year old that loves to play chess but i have to warn you he is pritty good and has beeten several grown men LOL
I am pretty new to all this but really hoping to make it to NEOCS. Really excited to see all the different breeds, and maybe pick up a few more for my flock..
OOps! Wrong link. I'll go find the right one...

That's the link to the post I put on Craig's List today. I hope it brings a lot of chicken enthusiasts to N.E.O.C.S.
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My broodie girls will be donating too.... i have 3 broodies on EE eggs, will be bringing some ee cockerels and a pullet or two- i will have them near my table, where i will have poultry related art, does anyone have specific breeds they are interested in? Here are some samples, I also do pet portraits

I will be PMing you. I have a few pet portraits I would love to have done. Your work is Awesome!!
hey coral what do you think about me donating some UK blue ORPINGTON hatching eggs for the rafel ???

OK How many tickets are there again? I really really really like those birds!!!!!!
Quote: Wonderful! umm not that it didn't sell, that I have a chance to buy it!

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