
Omaha here! No chickens, yet, but plan on getting a few after I move. As far as I know, chickens are allowed in the city as long as they're not "running at large". I still have to get all the details. I looked on the municicode (?) website. There's a link to it under the laws and ordinances board.
Hmmm...I looked and looked - I can't seem to find anywhere if chickens are legal in Lincoln and it's not on the link! I would LOVE to have 2-3 hens in my apartment. Is that insane?
Looked this up for you on Lincoln animal codes. Looks like you can keep quite a few hens but no roos in city limits. Bantams have to be kept in an area of 1 square foot per bird and large fowl birds are to be kept in pens of 2 square feet per bird. Code is below in section 6.04.040.

I would think you would have to clean up after birds pretty regularly as the manure gives off a strong amonia smell, especially when wet.

The Nebraska State Poulty Association show will be Nov. 1 in the Lancaster Building at the State Fair grounds, if you want to come out and look over the different type of birds on display. Usually have around 1000 birds at the show.
Hello All! Newbie here and no hens yet but will have them come Spring. Just moved to a small acreage in Washington County. I've got my coop just need to build a run, I've learned soo much from this site but can't wait to finally have my own!
You looking to get layers for your coop or any ideas yet?

I have a couple friends up in Washington Co. - Blair to be exact.

I am about 2 hours straight south of you down here in the corner.
Well the Huskers won today, so I am happy! What a great Fall we are having here! Love it.

I am a new birder. I live just north of Genoa, which is west of Columbus and about 1 1/2 hours North of Grand Island. Love it!

This is my first winter with the birds, so I am a bit nervouse, but I am getting it all worked out.

At the moment I have 25 heavies/meat birds that I plan to have butchered right around the 1st part of December.

I have about 25 pullets, mostly White Rocks. I have 8 RIR pullets (close to laying) and 8 Buff Orphingtons that are close to laying as well.

I had really good luck with Murray McMurray Hatchery- b/c they are in Iowa they got here the next day with very little distress (I have a great post offoce here too)

Glad to "meet" you all. Take care
I know the Lincoln rules an regs.

Not sure about an apartment tho, that might be rough.

You are allowed TWO hens with no permit. More than that and you are to have a permit, and your pens, etc have to be inspected to make sure they are not too close to neighbors, etc. (50 foot)

$50 for a permit, kinda pricey. I had to get one this year as I became a hatchaholic. lol

oh, AnS, I was hoping to make it to the show this weekend, sounds fun. I went last year and fell in love with a lil porcelain d'uccle that was shown.
Good luck on your birds!

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