Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Hi everyone! Just joined.

This is an extremely addicting site. East Central Nebraska area here. My daughter does 4H and I fell in love with chickens. Last year we decided to keep a roo and hen Old English Silver Game Bantam after fair and they have been my joy
Due to City Code can only have 5. Working on husband (who HATES chickens) to find me a farm!!

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Davenport, Neb is where I am.

Have 5 hens: 1 black astralorpe who is close to 12 years and going strong; two of her daughters, big fat healthy girls (their father was a lovely buff orpington - he died saving his flock from a dog attack - so sad I still miss Harry), and one lone New Hampshire young gal bought last April at a farm supply. (Lost her 'sister' yesterday from sudden death - seems like a heart attack but that's another topic.)

Any other chicken people nearby? I'd enjoy hearing from you. I want to enlarge my flock this spring. Anyone have any black astralorpes and/or buff orpingtons nearby in KS or NE?

Cheers and a most happy new year to everyone!

The NE thread doesn't get much traffic around here, but I stop in every so often to say welcome! I've raised poultry for showing and meeting the APA standard since I was a kid and probably always will. I am not too far from Lincoln out in the country and raise several breeds and color varieties. I have Sussex, Wyandottes and Marans at the moment. I don't have any orpingtons or australorps, but might want to look into the two poultry clubs in the state. There is the cornhusker poultry club that hosts their show in the spring in Scribner and the Nebraska State poultry association that hosts fall shows in Lincoln. They are gonna be the best source for finding other poultry breeders and tracking down good sources for stock.

Welcome to the Forum!

Thanks for the info. I would like to attend a show and a sale. I will look at the state poultry clubs also. It's interesting and fun to learn what's going on and find friends here at BYC who are chicken heads like I am.

no problem...if you want more specific info on the clubs and sales I know that are around, let me know and I'll give you the info I have as I'm a member of both clubs and have gone to sales since I was a kid.
Hi Gilavina,

I looked online and there isn't much info for Nebraska. I'd appreciate a few notes when you've got a moment, for one or two poultry events in our state.

Thank you very much,
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Hi Gilavina,

I looked online and there isn't much info for Nebraska. I'd appreciate a few notes when you've got a moment, for one or two poultry events in our state.

Thank you very much,

Hey Donna,

Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. The holidays and my work schedule have me all thrown off whack at the moment.

There are two shows in NE, the one in spring is by the Cornhusker Poultry Club and believe it will be on the weekend of the 20th to 22nd. I can get you more solid dates on that after I get a report back from the meeting they just had that I couldn't go to. It is held in Scribner, NE. This is the second year it will be held there. It used to be held as a joint show over in Avoca, IA with the club, but they are making a go of it again as a solo show.

The other show is held in the fall, the first weekend of November by the Nebraska State Poultry Association. This one is held at the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln. I am show secretary for the show this year. I grew up in the other club and was show secretary for a while when I was younger, but showed regularly at this one as well.

If you have any more questions let me know! I am happy to help answer them and will find out answers for you if I don't know right off hand. We will be working on getting a website up for the club and hopefully will have all the info and show catalog available for download there.
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( DAGNABIT! I posted this to the parent thread! Now I make Nebraskans look like bumkins! Is there any way to delete posts here? )

Hello all,

My name's Jim and I live just west of Lincoln. We can see the capital from my back yard.

I've never raised chickens before and don't have any yet. I started building a coop January 1 using The Garden Coop plans. I'm about 75% done with the coop and hope to be populating it soon. It's slow going building in January, but the weather has been cooperating nicely (global climate change?!?!)

I first thought about chickens last year when the squash bugs were so bad on my pumpkins. Somebody told me to get chickens to eat the bugs. Of course by now I've figured out that chickens and gardens aren't a recommended mix and they won't eat squash bugs anyway. But after researching chickens, I though I would give it a try.

I'm hoping to get 4-6 Barred Rock hens, but may wind up taking some hens from my sister-in-law who lives just south of Hickman.

Davenport, Neb is where I am.

Have 5 hens: 1 black astralorpe who is close to 12 years and going strong; two of her daughters, big fat healthy girls (their father was a lovely buff orpington - he died saving his flock from a dog attack - so sad I still miss Harry), and one lone New Hampshire young gal bought last April at a farm supply. (Lost her 'sister' yesterday from sudden death - seems like a heart attack but that's another topic.)

Any other chicken people nearby? I'd enjoy hearing from you. I want to enlarge my flock this spring. Anyone have any black astralorpes and/or buff orpingtons nearby in KS or NE?

Cheers and a most happy new year to everyone!
We are in Hastings, The Orsclens usually has buff chicks in the spring.


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