Nebulizing ducks with F10 for virus- urgent! Any and all help appreciated!

Oct 26, 2023
Our flock of 4 ducks was taken down to 3 this morning. Our sweet welsh harlequin Moa seemingly succumbed to duck viral enteritis (DVE). I'm super worried about my other 3 ducks as they share all the same water and food, and DVE is contagious. Although google says there is no cure for DVE once infected, I'd like to try nebulizing our ducks with F10 as if it is given through a nebulizer it is an effective treatment for viral, fungal and bacterial diseases. Has anyone ever nebulized their ducks? Dosage? and efficacy? I want to start them asap if y'all can confirm it is safe! Thank you. Hug your feathered babies tight!

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