Necropsy results, is not coryza or CRD--parasites are rampant!!!

Anyone know of a reputable at home worm test company? You know, they send you a kit, you send poo back to them for analysis.

Also, How old should asymptomatic chickens be before you begin worming?
This stuff is grossing me out!!! I want to worm myself now......
just in case!

You forgot about worm oocysts in/on the soil and grass that chickens peck and eat. DE is useless as a wormer as the OP attested to with a necrosy report in her very first post in this thread. Did you miss it? If their feet touch the ground, chickens will get worms. One roundworm lays thousand of eggs which are deposited on your soil which your chickens pick up. Therefore you want to keep your chickens worm free as much as possible using chemical wormers, keeping them healthy. Worms weaken their immune system to the point of opening the door for bacterial and viral diseases, causing multiple problems. You are correct about using the same wormer all the time, it causes worm resistance. Rotating wormers eliminates worm resistance. One good example of a wormer that is useless against worms in chickens is ivermectin injectable. It still kills mites in chickens. It may work as a wormer in other livestock, but not in chickens. I agree that fecal samples should be tested. Here's pics of roundworms in a chickens intestine...remember, one roundworm lays thousands of eggs:

Dawg53, Thankyou so much for all your valuable info on this thread.
Im waiting right now to get info on a fecal sample I sent into my vet to see if they have parasites as one of my silkies is uber skinny and not sure what is going on but if she does have parasites this thread has helped me immensly with pertinent info on what to do!

Those photos are a real eye opener to make an owner take notice at what can happen if you dont take care of your chickens.
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Is it me or does that second photo look like spaghetti? And why do I keep looking at it??? Ill never be the same to want to eat spaghetti now. My gagger is gagging....ewww. lol...
Dawg53, I sent you an email.
So the vet just called and they have capillaria worms. Im now calling around before the feed supply stores close to find out what to buy but want to cover all my ground as far as what to use for that specific worm and suggestions if any here. Thankyou!

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