Necrotic enteritis or coccidia? Vets could not diagnose and not seeing improvement with current trea

Definitely way too much blood. Your Corid drench amount was spot on. How many days did you give that? Since you were a vet tech, would you feel comfortable giving her subcutaneous fluids? Can you call the vet and talk to him about switching her to something like metronidazole for clostridium perfringens? Maybe also add some Baytril? And how about tube feeding?

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I have given the drench once a day for 3 days ( Tues, Wed, Thurs.) and was dosing in the drinking water since Tues. noon. I have never done tube feeding on a chicken but will do anything. Picking up bacitracin in a few. Merck manual recommends that for treatment of C. perfringens. Do you think metronidazole works better? Also do you think she needs sub q fluids since she is drinking so well? I can get a decent amount of water down her with a syringe.
I have given the drench once a day for 3 days ( Tues, Wed, Thurs.) and was dosing in the drinking water since Tues. noon. I have never done tube feeding on a chicken but will do anything. Picking up bacitracin in a few. Merck manual recommends that for treatment of C. perfringens. Do you think metronidazole works better? Also do you think she needs sub q fluids since she is drinking so well? I can get a decent amount of water down her with a syringe.
My vet had me use metronidazole for mine, so talk to your vet about that.. She's about 1kg, yes? If she were mine I'd wanna get at least 100 ml of fluids into each day, which is almost impossible to do with safely with a just a syringe. Giving subbies to birds can be a little tricky because they have air sacs, but it would allow you to to get more food into her. Talk to your vet about it.

I would stop the ACV, since it can irritate an already bleeding irritated bowel. So, she has just now completed her second day of Corid, right? Did the vet advise to continue the Corid as well for the 5 full days? I would be a little cautious in bombarding her with everything at once. She had 2 doses of Panacur 24 hours apart (which is twice the amount) since it should be given once and then again at 10 days. On top of the Panacur, she has been receiving Corid for 2 days. Is she drinking the medicated water well? Kathy (Casportpony) has treated these things a lot more than I have (which is never,) and I would follow her advice, but some folks believe in giving one medicine followed by vitamins and probiotics for a couple of days, then start the next. But if she seems to be going downhill fast you might need to do what you are doing.

I just realized that there have been more posts since I started this one.
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I've had quite a few sick peafowl lately, and it's hard to say what from, though I suspect it's been worms, blackhead, coccidiosis, NE, E. coli or a combo. Treatment for them is a warm room, fluids orally or orally and SC, tube feeding, and five days of "The casportpony cocktail" (Corid, fenbendazole and metronidazole) and shots of Baytril. Both drench and shots are given for five days. after day five it's just metronidazole and tubing.

Had a few scary moments in the last few months and was quite sure I was going to lose a couple, but I didn't.

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