Need a chuckle????

Do it, do it!!!
I had a neighbor like that. I had worked the day before cleaning out an old shed that was going to be the coop for the 4 chickens I had been given that day. New straw, nest boxes, water can,the works. The next morning around 6am I found 5 eggs as I walked back to the house the joker was leaning on his fence. "You got eggs this morning I see. Your hard work really paid off." he said. As proud as can be I showed him my 5 treasures. A big smile came over his face and a chuckle, then out right laughter. I knew I had been had so I know you felt, but it is funny. I hope I get the chance to pull the same prank.
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That sounds like the time my neighbor across the street started growing vegetables in his front of the house flower beds. He had several nice, large tomatos plants with no tomatos on them so my DH snuck over there one night and tied apples and bananas to his tomato plants.
Then we staked him out, peeking out the blinds the next morning waiting to get his reaction. It was a head scratcher. LOL

I actually enjoy neighbors like this~!

Oh, that is tooo funny! I wish I'd thought of that!
One evening after dinner, my Hubby and I were having our coffee and watching the chickens. He asked if I'd checked for eggs that day and I said no. I forgot to tell him that I had put golf balls in the nests so they would "get the idea".
Well Hubby came running out all excited with these white, poo and straw covered globs. "Look, we got eggs! WOO HOO!" I was laughing so hard I could'nt even talk.

He looked again, thought for a minute and said" But Honey, we'll be rich. These chickens lay Titleists"

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