We got a farm innovations incubator last year. Worked ok for first hatch and been junk since with single egg hatches on 3 incubation periods.
Would like to get a better quality incubator soon so we can hatch our own eggs as we have need.
I'd love a brinsea but still trying to get my wife to approve the costs. Keep looking for an octagon 20 eco but haven't found one for a price I can say can't be passed up.
Any recommendations for incubators? Would prefer autoturning if possible.
Thanks for the advice and help. And if anyone knows of a used brinsea that will hold at least a dozen if not 2 dozen eggs, please let me know.
Would like to get a better quality incubator soon so we can hatch our own eggs as we have need.
I'd love a brinsea but still trying to get my wife to approve the costs. Keep looking for an octagon 20 eco but haven't found one for a price I can say can't be passed up.
Any recommendations for incubators? Would prefer autoturning if possible.
Thanks for the advice and help. And if anyone knows of a used brinsea that will hold at least a dozen if not 2 dozen eggs, please let me know.