Need advice about mixing chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
South of Atlanta Georgia
We got our first chicks last friday. Everyone is healthy and active and seems to be thriving. The hatchery shorted the order by 12 and will be shipping out the rest of the order on June 25.

But... since we were shorted the 12 Buff Brahams we got to looking at other breeds of chickens and I thought we might have to get something other than the Buffs. Then my husband got to liking the looks of the Dark Brahams. Long story short I order the Darks from a different hatchery and they will be shipped on June 27.

My question (s) ..
Shoudl I keep the two hatcheries in different brooders for a week or so or when should I mix them?

How long before I mix all the chicks?

Since we are in Georgia and it is getting hot, at what age should we put the chicks in the coop. I first order is only a week old, but they really working the wings and we are getting lift not quite flight but deffently lift then they tumble and look like a bowling ball
If you are planning on putting them together in the long run, you may as well put them together from the start. At least the 2 orders that haven't come yet. They will be young enough that they won't really notice you've added new friends. The older ones may or may not be accepting of the younger ones. You can try to add them in, or not. It's up to you. I've added newborns to 2 1/2 week olds before. They hardly noticed. One of the roosters pecked a little guy on the head, realized it wasn't edible, or willing to fight him, and lost interest. They are now out free-ranging together. :)

I live in Texas and I understand about the weather warming up. You can move them outside whenever you want as long as they have protection from any older birdies if you have them. They need to be at least 6 weeks old, preferably older before they are introduced to adult birds. Also, make sure the nights don't get too chilly for them. Remember little babies are snack size for snakes and other predators.

Have fun with your babies. :)
Thanks, I was not sure if I should keep them apart in case of illness or disease for the first few day. I have asked that both shippments get the Marek vaccination but didn't know if I need to be worried about other things.

Would having a more chicks cause less disturbance when mixing chicks? The first order was for 42 but only 31 arrived, which I why Cackle is sending 12 on the 25th, And then chicken math struck and I could not order less then 25 of the Dark Brahams. So in the end there will be over 60 less then 4 week chicks. Thankfully we have the space and the coop will be big enough if we can get the Peafowl ready to free ranged.

Where we got the peafowl they were free ranged with chickens so I am hoping that once the chicks get older we can mix everyone up.

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