Need advice about our ducklings!


11 Years
May 30, 2008
Cheboygan, MI
We have two ducklings that are 14 days old and we are loving having them. The last day or so, they are making a huge mess with their water! We have a poultry waterer from the feed store and it seems almost right after we fill it, it is gone and their is water all over their brooder. Is this normal? This afternoon, instead of changing the pine litter again, I cleaned it completely out and put a bath towel down. (Read somewhere this may work) They seemed to love laying on the towel, but when I came back a little while later, their water was almost empty again and the towel was wet, too. Bless their little hearts, I just want to keep their area clean and make sure that they have enough to drink, but is there an easier way? Would appreciate any advice you may have. Thanks!!
Very normal....ducks are VERY messy!! I use puppy pee pads in the bottom of the brooder for ducklings. Helps absorb some of the mess. Unless you've got them outside on wire there's no way to cut down on the mess. I've raised a lot of ducklings and haven't found a drier way to do it.
Great idea! Thank you very much
Our ducks/geese both made water messes. We started out with a small water dish at first till they started getting in it and splashing the water out with their feet. We then switched over to a waterer that didn't have any room for them to step in it and it seemed to help stop part of the mess.
this is normal one thing that you can do is make shure the waterer
is level or it will keep running over until it is empty.

Thank you all for your replies and advice! We are very new to this and just trying to do right by them. It's so good to have this forum to be able to turn to when I have a question. I will let you know how we do!
Had the exact same experience with our 3 Pekins (who are about 5 weeks old now) at just about the same age!

There are two things that really helped. First, we brooded them in our guest bathtub, with a towel at one end, and food and water at the other. We took 20 minutes a day to toss them into our other bathtub for a swim while we pulled out the dirty towel, rinsed the feeder and waterer, hosed down the tub, and put a fresh towel down. At least for us, it was an easy cleaning routine, and kept the ducks about as clean as ducks are going to be, we think.

The second thing was a brilliant suggestion from someone on this board (regrettably, I can't remember who) who suggested making a waterer out of a gallon milk jug. Cut a round hole in the side of the jug at about head height of the ducks, and fill to the bottom of the hole. The ducks can get their heads in to rinse, but can't splash it empty. Worked great!

I think the mess of brooding ducks is going to be staggering in any event, but these were the two things that made it all tolerable when we had to keep them in our house for a good two weeks too long while their permanent digs were being built!
The water jug didn't work for me I think I made the hole a bit too big and when I came back one of my rouens were inside the jug swimming.
I have tried about everything too and we found a thin layer of pine on the bottom and then straw on top has worked the best for us. We clean it every other day and add a little straw as needed. We are filling a 1 gal waterer about 6 times a day so whatever they aren't drinking they are playing in and soaking their cage.
Good luck they are lots of fun.

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