I have been raising GF sense 2007 and have not once had a problem with any keets i have hatched and raised here, back in march i decided to order more colors to add to my flocks, my keets were shipped out and i was not informed of this , they also did not put hold for pickup on the box nor my phone number per special order request THEY asked for when i placed my order back in march....so these babies sat in the PO longer than they should have in the first place, 5 were dead by time i got their to pick them up, i let this supplier know what had gone on and they did not seem to care that they had dropped the ball in this order so i am upset with them to begin with..
When i opened up the box and inspected the dead ones i noticed three had very wet butts, , the company Finley notified me that they sent my keets a days after i had already picked them up and they knew i had them because the PO called them to get my number so they could get ahold of me to pick them up, anyhow when the company finely sent me an e-mail they told me to put the keets on terramycin in their water and when i asked why they told me because they could get stressed during shipment and get a bacterial infection, well i never heard of this but i did go ahead am put them on the terramycin and have had them on it sense last Saturday , every day sense i picked them up 2 to 3 would get the wet butt and i would pull them and put them in a spare room in my hatchery away from the rest and i would lose them, this morning 9 more have the same thing and i just do not know what to make of this,
, they were eating and drinking fine their droppings appear to be normal color and consistency but a bit watery at times then they go off their feed , no smell at all, their vents are not red nor swollen .i clean them off when i pull them so as not to have them all matted up
i feed the 24% dumor chick starter ground up with 10% ultra kibble, i have kept corid in their water as a preventive for cocci sense the day i got them home from the PO , they are not not exposed to any other animals here nor are they outside ..
I am diligent with clean food and water dishes as well as their brooders , i have kept them quarantined from all my other birds sense day one in my new shop .
the brooder is a 4 by 8 feet with 1 heat lamp at one end and a regular 40 watt bulb on the other end , i do not run the heat lamp during the day we do not need it , they are no other animals of any kind around them
Is there anyone here that may have experienced such a thing from their very young keets ?
I will be calling my Vet in the AM to see if he can send any off for a necropsy but that will take a week to get results if he can so i need to try and find out what i may be up against now if i can....
I have added photos of the wet area before and after i clean them off .. this baby is not dead in the photo but may be by tomorrow if i can not figure out what is wrong before I can get it or a dead one to the vet for a necropsy and have a stool sample checked

When i opened up the box and inspected the dead ones i noticed three had very wet butts, , the company Finley notified me that they sent my keets a days after i had already picked them up and they knew i had them because the PO called them to get my number so they could get ahold of me to pick them up, anyhow when the company finely sent me an e-mail they told me to put the keets on terramycin in their water and when i asked why they told me because they could get stressed during shipment and get a bacterial infection, well i never heard of this but i did go ahead am put them on the terramycin and have had them on it sense last Saturday , every day sense i picked them up 2 to 3 would get the wet butt and i would pull them and put them in a spare room in my hatchery away from the rest and i would lose them, this morning 9 more have the same thing and i just do not know what to make of this,
, they were eating and drinking fine their droppings appear to be normal color and consistency but a bit watery at times then they go off their feed , no smell at all, their vents are not red nor swollen .i clean them off when i pull them so as not to have them all matted up
i feed the 24% dumor chick starter ground up with 10% ultra kibble, i have kept corid in their water as a preventive for cocci sense the day i got them home from the PO , they are not not exposed to any other animals here nor are they outside ..
I am diligent with clean food and water dishes as well as their brooders , i have kept them quarantined from all my other birds sense day one in my new shop .
the brooder is a 4 by 8 feet with 1 heat lamp at one end and a regular 40 watt bulb on the other end , i do not run the heat lamp during the day we do not need it , they are no other animals of any kind around them
Is there anyone here that may have experienced such a thing from their very young keets ?
I will be calling my Vet in the AM to see if he can send any off for a necropsy but that will take a week to get results if he can so i need to try and find out what i may be up against now if i can....
I have added photos of the wet area before and after i clean them off .. this baby is not dead in the photo but may be by tomorrow if i can not figure out what is wrong before I can get it or a dead one to the vet for a necropsy and have a stool sample checked