Need Advice on Broody Hen Sitting on Eggs

Thnk you. I didnt sit on those eggs but i sure worried for each and every one of those 21 days. I'm like the crazy chicken lady. I started out with a small flock of 8.i did the chicken math and over 3 yrs, I now have 150 and they live in my 12 stall barn with horses.
I'm not too far behind you, I will have around 80 chickens at the end of the year. I worry about mine too. It's a fun hobby.
Yay. I woke up this morning to 5 beautiful peepers. Thanks ever so much for your advice
Congrats on the new ones!

I woke up to some peeping chicks in my brooder, 6 so far have hatched. I too was wondering about what I should be doing with my Broody hen at this stage. Today is day 20 of my incubator eggs and day 18 of my broody hen's eggs. I have her inside a very large plastic dog crate inside the chicken coop with food and water near the door so she has to get up to eat/drink/poop. I have cleaned out her poop from today.

I wonder if this is ok? To leave her locked inside the dog crate? To peak under her to see if any have hatched yet?

Edited to add, this is her first time broody, so she will be a new mama, she is the hen in my avatar picture. I guess I'm hoping she don't eat them, hurt them, squash them? I'm so nervous, lol
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Congrats on the new ones!

I woke up to some peeping chicks in my brooder, 6 so far have hatched. I too was wondering about what I should be doing with my Broody hen at this stage. Today is day 20 of my incubator eggs and day 18 of my broody hen's eggs. I have her inside a very large plastic dog crate inside the chicken coop with food and water near the door so she has to get up to eat/drink/poop. I have cleaned out her poop from today. 

I wonder if this is ok? To leave her locked inside the dog crate? To peak under her to see if any have hatched yet? 

Edited to add, this is her first time broody, so she will be a new mama, she is the hen in my avatar picture. I guess I'm hoping she don't eat them, hurt them, squash them? I'm so nervous, lol
The day of hatching your hen will no longer leave the nest until all have hatched or 2-3 days passes, usually most hens leave on day two. You can peek, I'm not sure I would lock her in until they start hatching, most broodies hatch on day 20, then you want to confine the family somewhat, as sometimes chicks can wander too far and can't return, mom won't get off the nest to get them.

Most silkies are exceptional mothers so I would expect yours to be too.
The day of hatching your hen will no longer leave the nest until all have hatched or 2-3 days passes, usually most hens leave on day two. You can peek, I'm not sure I would lock her in until they start hatching, most broodies hatch on day 20, then you want to confine the family somewhat, as sometimes chicks can wander too far and can't return, mom won't get off the nest to get them.

Most silkies are exceptional mothers so I would expect yours to be too.
Ok, thank u so much
I'm not telling you what i think you should do. That being said. ..i didn't look and 3 of my 8 died partway out of the shell. I'm very grateful for the 5 i have, but totally wish i had looked, just to see. I love my chicks like my kids. Though i don't eat the kids, lol. I feel like its my fault .
I'm not telling you what i think you should do. That being said. ..i didn't look and 3 of my 8 died partway out of the shell. I'm very grateful for the 5 i have, but totally wish i had looked, just to see. I love my chicks like my kids. Though i don't eat the kids, lol. I feel like its my fault .
Oh, I've never had that happen, now I might look too, sorry. Some kids should be eaten.

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