Need Advice on Feeding Problem Please

Beekissed. I like your idea of a feeder!! I'm gonna make a few of those.

lgarsch, see if the feed that you feed now comes in pellet form. I'm not telling you tp change the feed only the consistency of the feed. Feed usually comes in either pellet form or crumbles. Next time chhose the pellets instead of the crumbles
I use catch trays under my feeders (the fortex rubber pans). At the end of the day, I pour all the feed back into the metal feeder that spilled out. I have almost zero waste now.

I use the 12 lb hanging feeder and hang it LOW so that it is resting inside the pan somewhat- they bill it out but it is caught. Here is a pic from a long time ago. Also sometimes I just set it in the pan without hanging it. That works really well too.

Thanks! I'm going to try the pan under the feeder and get a different feeder type.
I looked at my feed store- where I bought the chicks and didn't see any grit. Is it a special order type of thing? I use to get oyster shells for my cockatiel- but they didn't even have that. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place? How big are the bags?
I don't think that all feed stores carry grit. Most people feel that chickens get enough grit from foraging. After awhile all the available grit gets picked up though. So I supply grit free choice like I supply oyster shell. If you ask the people in the feed store to order you a bag I'm sure they will. Our store sell grit by the pound. I buy the entire bag since it will never go bad.

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