Need advice on heat

This really isn't the best heater plate for chicks, despite what the box and the chickenchick says.
Chick heater plates should be horizontal and have adjustable legs to accommodate growth..

How many chicks?

Welcome to BYC! @EnolaG3y1945
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
We are on night #2 of using those standing heaters, chicks are thriving and all is well. Temperature ranges from 80-90 and we turn it off during the day as it gets kind of warm at noon. No issues mechanically with the heaters but I also have a heat sensor switch thing. Thank you all for the advice. No more heat lamps!
Oh okay. So you think one heating pad would be okay for them to huddle next to during this winter?
I think that it would be fine. You could add another if you think necessary. I'd probably block off part of the coop for a few days to make sure they don't wander to far away from the heating pad and get lost.
We are on night #2 of using those standing heaters, chicks are thriving and all is well. Temperature ranges from 80-90 and we turn it off during the day as it gets kind of warm at noon. No issues mechanically with the heaters but I also have a heat sensor switch thing. Thank you all for the advice. No more heat lamps! View attachment 2367254View attachment 2367255
Hooray for chickie success!

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