Need an experienced opinion


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2024
So this little chick was walking funny, upon inspection it seems to have something on its hind end, should I be concerned? I'm talking about the blackish spot/sac. It had wood chip stuck to it so I rinsed in warm water..


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I think its below the vent, I didn't realize chickens had navels.
An unscientific explanation is the very last thing that happens before a chick hatches out of its shell is it absorbs the yolk into its abdomen via the naval.. which ideally is closed before hatch is complete. This absorbed yolk is what provides moisture and nutrients that allow about 3 days for shipping or the hen to finish hatching others and take them all off the nest in search of sustenance.

An unhealed naval can be a sign of too high of humidity or too low of temperature during incubation.. If incubation is otherwise spot on for others in the hatch.. then egg shell porosity, egg size, cool spots, etc may have played into the outcome.

An unhealed naval can result in an infection commonly known as mushy chick syndrome and lead to death.. but many also survive without further complications.
Chic seems to be doing well, the navel seems to be healing. Although I will say she is significantly small then the rest of them. But she may be my whiting true green which might be normal 🤔
Good to hear it's doing better. I have a runt in my batch this year I swore would pass, but it's stuck in there and is slowly growing.

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