Need backup plans (Hatch related)


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Some may know that one of our ducks actually went broody and has been sitting on eggs. After candling them, I realized she's been on them longer than I assumed as I've been away taking care of my grandmother during the time it took our duck to go broody.
I only let her have 6 eggs. Only 4 look good right now.
Judging by how much they've developed, I'm guessing between 4/22 & 4/26 is when they'll hatch.
I'm not hopeful that even if they hatch, she'll take to raising them so I'll be putting something together on hatch day temporarily until I can get an actual brooder.

Reasons I need back up plans:
-Spring duckling season for my local feed stores and breeders nearby is almost over.
-Can't buy any to be shipped, current money is put aside for vet visit in 2 weeks.
-Possibility only 1 or 2 may hatch.

I will most definitely need a backup plan for if only 1 hatches.
If only one hatches and the mother doesn't care for it, and there is no possible way to get another duckling, then re-home the duckling to someone who has ducklings. The duckling will be way happier in a home with other ducklings than by it's self.

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