Need ducks and goose advice


We brought home 3 friends for Dexter last night, so he's not alone anymore! The Emdems were hatched in July, so they're quite a bit younger than Dex. Despite the age difference, they are getting along very well! I am so relieved and happy that Dex isn't alone anymore!!
The count is now:
14 cats (2 inside, 12 outside)
5 ducks (3 mallards, 2 pekins)
4 geese (1 African, 3 Emdens)
3 lambs (all 3 haired sheep)
3 dogs (2 Great Pyrs, 1 German Shep)
1 calf (don't know breed, but pretty)
1 jack (stubborn!!!!!)

If you look behind the geese, you can even kinda see my ducks!

We brought home 3 friends for Dexter last night, so he's not alone anymore! The Emdems were hatched in July, so they're quite a bit younger than Dex. Despite the age difference, they are getting along very well! I am so relieved and happy that Dex isn't alone anymore!!
The count is now:
14 cats (2 inside, 12 outside)
5 ducks (3 mallards, 2 pekins)
4 geese (1 African, 3 Emdens)
3 lambs (all 3 haired sheep)
3 dogs (2 Great Pyrs, 1 German Shep)
1 calf (don't know breed, but pretty)
1 jack (stubborn!!!!!)

If you look behind the geese, you can even kinda see my ducks!

Very fun! Right now I have 16 geese (4 different breeds) three cats (Maine coons) and two dogs (Great Pyrenees and golden retriever). I'm getting a puppy in January to take with me to college and train for sports (agility, obedience, etc)

We brought home 3 friends for Dexter last night, so he's not alone anymore! The Emdems were hatched in July, so they're quite a bit younger than Dex. Despite the age difference, they are getting along very well! I am so relieved and happy that Dex isn't alone anymore!!
The count is now:
14 cats (2 inside, 12 outside)
5 ducks (3 mallards, 2 pekins)
4 geese (1 African, 3 Emdens)
3 lambs (all 3 haired sheep)
3 dogs (2 Great Pyrs, 1 German Shep)
1 calf (don't know breed, but pretty)
1 jack (stubborn!!!!!)

If you look behind the geese, you can even kinda see my ducks!
They look great so glad you were able to find Dex some friends.. How do you keep them from being eaten especially at night? I know you have a Great Pyr. He is able to protect from all preds? Mine would be dead and eaten before the week was up if I didn't lock them up.

I should have read your previous posts before making mine. I am glad to hear they all go up at night. I hope when they are all in the barn that you can give everyone their own space so no one gets stepped on or injured from those big heavy feet of your other animals.
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Rocky, the 10-year old Great Pyr, protects the house, yard, barns, pens and pasture all night long. He has worn "patrol paths" all over the farm! Here's a picture of him a couple of months ago with a badger he found and killed -- 500 yards from OUR yard!

We haven't lost a single calf, lamb or bird to predators. I hope Mack, the 6-month old Great Pyr puppy, follows in Rocky's paw prints.

There are only 2 kinds of predators Rocky can't protect from -- the owls that kill my cats, and humans.

As for this winter, we decided to keep the birds separate from the rest. They'll have the old nursery and "expectant ewes" pen. Everyone else will be sharing a pen, barn, 3-sided shelter and dog house (big enough for a couple ewes and lambs).
Rocky, the 10-year old Great Pyr, protects the house, yard, barns, pens and pasture all night long. He has worn "patrol paths" all over the farm! Here's a picture of him a couple of months ago with a badger he found and killed -- 500 yards from OUR yard!

We haven't lost a single calf, lamb or bird to predators. I hope Mack, the 6-month old Great Pyr puppy, follows in Rocky's paw prints.

There are only 2 kinds of predators Rocky can't protect from -- the owls that kill my cats, and humans.

As for this winter, we decided to keep the birds separate from the rest. They'll have the old nursery and "expectant ewes" pen. Everyone else will be sharing a pen, barn, 3-sided shelter and dog house (big enough for a couple ewes and lambs).
Sounds like a good plan, maybe once my 5 dogs leave this earth I can get an LGD I have always wanted one since starting with poultry but feeding 5 dogs plus everyone else is enough for now. Rocky is an awesome protector
That is the egg-thieving bullsnake I found in my duck's nest. I relocated him to the shop side of the barn hoping he'll go after the mice instead of the duck eggs. That was August, and I haven't seen him since! If it had been a rattle snake, I would have killed it instead of just moving it.
That is the egg-thieving bullsnake I found in my duck's nest. I relocated him to the shop side of the barn hoping he'll go after the mice instead of the duck eggs. That was August, and I haven't seen him since! If it had been a rattle snake, I would have killed it instead of just moving it.
We have large blk rat snakes here that have a liking for ducks and chickens eggs. and also the babies that come out of the eggs.

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