Need hatching buddy! Setting 5 duck and 5 hen eggs Sat 1/16

Mine went in at 9pm last night... does that make today day 1? lol Do i sound like someone that should not even be attempting this?
The Suro is going steady at 99.5/44%, the LG is 102/23% (dry incubation). I'll have to keep an eye on the LG we're running our woodstove and a humidifier so it may or may not dry out too much(?). I guess I'll be babysitting a bator after all. Thanks for all the info-esp. on what to check for with egg fertility. I'm curious to know if this time my luck with the LG will change-I may sell/give away any ee hatchlings I have, we'll see.
we have ours in a hovabator still air model. day 2 101 with 41% humidity (still ok?)
I am excited, do i have to wait until day 7 to candle the eggs? NOt sure I will be able to tell anyway
The last hatch I candled at 60 hours and could see veins. This was with brown eggs that are hard to see. This time I have some white eggs also. I am going to candle earlier just for fun.
You can put something on that crack like elmer's glue or tape (?)

I tossed it, worried about bacteria entering into egg and/or it weeping or exploding while in the Suro. I'm a newbie w/o 1 successful hatch behind me (0 for 1). I'm trying to up my chances while learning-have a lot of work ahead of me:caf

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