Need help again identifying hen

it may not have been intentional, the hatcheries sell EE's(mixed breeds) that are listed as Ameraucana.
the second ee does look rooish to me..
I got mine from TSC and they listed them as Americana, Two of them look almost exactly like this, they said they get them from Mt healthy or somewhere like that?
Yeah the second one is a rooster.
My question is how often do they sell mixes in the hatchery and is there a specific breed that has a crest that looks like this? I think I might want to buy some more chickens with a crest like this. They look sort of like my classic old frill pigeon with a smaller crest.
Neither of the birds you've posted are araucanas, the first is an easter egger pullet and the second is I think an ee mix rooster, ees don't usually come in colombian pattern, and I can't see his comb well.

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