NEED HELP ASAP - Chick is stuck



Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I have an egg that pipped through a blood vessel early this morning (Day 21). After that, there has been NO progress.


After 12 hrs, I candled the egg. There was movement and the chick was chirping but it didn't seem to be taking up the air cell. Still I put it back in the incubator.

More time has passed (1.5 hrs) and still no progress. I candled again. No change. By this point, I was concerned the chick is shrink wrapped or stuck. I carefully peeled away a bit of the outer shell. I put original neosporin on the inner membrane. Chick IS alive and chirping but can't seem to move.


I'm not sure what to do... I see blood vessels so I don't know what is safe to remove and what isn't. The beak is through the inner membrane but I don't think the chick can turn at all.

Trying to attach a video

We've chatted a bit in another thread about this already but I'm responding here so I'll get notifications. As I mentioned before, it's really just a wait and see situation. Sorry I can't say anything else more certain. You will almost certainly know within a few days. It tends to be about 50/50 for chicks that don't finish absorbing the yolk. whatever isn't absorbed will dry up and fall off with time. Just be careful to keep a clean brooder and if at all possible to get chlorhexidine I really feel like it's the best product for these situations. Just dabbing it on the navel area daily will help to prevent bacterial infection like the antibacterial ointment but it isn't sticky like the ointment is and will allow it to dry more readily. Fingers crossed the little one pulls through for you. :fl
Thanks for the replies.... I was panicking because I had a chick who died a few months ago because he/she was shrink wrapped. Fully developed. Fully absorbed.... But couldn't turn or get out. I wasn't worried until I candled after 12 hours and there was absolutely no progress. It almost looked like the chick couldn't even push into the air cell space at all. I was certain he was shrink wrapped or malpositioned and stuck somehow. At least I know he can breathe and with the neosporin on the membrane, I can see the progress on him absorbing the rest of the blood. I am not as panicked now.
Chick is still alive this morning but whatever is attached to its bottom is leaving bloody buttprints all over the incubator floor. I haven't had a chance to examine closer and see what it is....
I had a chick that had a small hole where his cord detached I cleaned it up and sprayed liquid bandage on the spot then left it in the incubator an extra day. Chick is thriving now at 6 weeks.
@Kiki can you please help.
I would put this chick by itself in a warm brooder with paper towels on the floor of it... And wait. Do not keep it with other chicks and do not have anything in the brooder that it could get caught on.
There isn't much you can do in a situation like this but wait.
I currently have him isolated in a dixie cup with paper towels to keep him snug. He's also under a heat lamp. I am checking in on him every 20 minutes or so. I figure I will check his bottom in a few hours and see if it is shrinking at all....
Be extremely careful with having him stuck in a cup not being able to get away from the heat.

If he is struggling and fighting trying to get out of the cup it would be better to just let him run around in a flat clean area by himself because the movement of fighting in a cup could bust that sack against the paper towels.

This is not an easy situation or an easy fix but hopefully with time the little fella absorbs it like he's suppose to.
New pictures of our little patient

And new video -

I know chicks don't generally need water right after they are born since they can subsist for a few days on their yolk sac but since this little fella bled so much I went ahead and dipped his beak in some water. He drank a little bit. I do have Nutri-Drench and Sav-A-Chik on standby if needed.

I don't think I have any Chlorhexadine. Don't even know what it is.... But I will look it up, go take a shower (filthy from the garden) and go to the store to see if I can get any. Having horses, I tend to keep an extensive array of medical supplies but I don't think I've ever come across that before.

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