need help asap!!!


8 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Alberta Canada
I have a 6 week old chick that's not growing. Its not much bigger then a day old chick. Its been fine other then that up till two days ago. Now its head is so swollen it can't shut its beak or open its eyes. I really don't know what to do other then force feed it food and water. And I've been trying to clean its eyes. This is the only chick I've considered putting out of its pain as much as I don't want to and don't think I can...:( I don't know how to post a pic.
I think I would. You might separate it and let nature take it's course, Or you can do it and be done. I would be concerned that whatever is the matter might spread. If you separate it, it of course might improve. Sorry
Others probably would work with it more, I guess I am hard, but somethings is to be said for keeping things in perspective.
Thanks for the link! Yes it was out in the coop with the others and I was having problems with rats killing chick so its vary possible it was bit by a rat...
If you do the euthanasia, make sure you follow the steps. I've read where others just mix the solution and put the chicks right in it and they react to the mixture like it is hurting them, because how it can irrtate. Someone smelled it and the said it really burnt they're throat. How is it doing now?
Also to add a pic, there little boxes above where you type. You'll see a picture of a paper clip. The insert pic is two spots over to the left. ( hover over it and it will say insert pic) click that and just follow the prompts. You'll be able to post right from your computer files.

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