need help asap :(

I'm curious as to your stance on egg yolks when I've read the opposite several times on here. Can you explain your position?
I always heard that if a chicken got a taste of a raw egg or whole shell, they would start eating their own eggs. I used to think it was crazy until I was feeding my grandma's flock. I accidentally dropped an egg. It brooke and all the hens rushed over and ate it before I could clean it up. The next day we got no eggs. The third day I found the hens cracking and breaking their eggs as soon as they were laid. It took almost two months to break their new habit.
I always heard that if a chicken got a taste of a raw egg or whole shell, they would start eating their own eggs. I used to think it was crazy until I was feeding my grandma's flock. I accidentally dropped an egg. It brooke and all the hens rushed over and ate it before I could clean it up. The next day we got no eggs. The third day I found the hens cracking and breaking their eggs as soon as they were laid. It took almost two months to break their new habit.
Okay =) I thought it was a health concern issue!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with Mountain Peeps in that if you can get water into her, she will feel better. She could have coccidiosis. Is there any blood in her poop? Is she on medicated starter? If not, you might get some Corid (amprolium) from the feed store and get her on it asap. Coccidiosis will have them off all feed and water. 10 weeks of age is a prime age for cocci. If she is on medicated starter, get some non medicated feed and the Corid at the same time. If she has been vaccinated for coccidiosis at the hatchery, do not give her Corid.

Have you posted this in our emergency section? Liz has left you with the link. I would post this there to get more input on what might be wrong with her.

Good luck and I hope she makes a full recovery.
I think this was something starting to work on her before you went away for the weekend. So please don't feel guilty. She may drink water on her own, if you put a little sugar in it. I hope the ER people can figure out what is troubling her. Please keep us updated,
Glad you joined us!

I'm sorry about your bird.
You've received some good advice on treating her already.

Good luck!
Hiya all... she died on the monday after she went to sleep for the evening. Devestated but I done all I could for her xx
I also need help! Very frustrating I can not get a silkie chick to live to save my butt. Incubate they hatch look healthy. Put in a box lined with a towel brooder. Water no drowning kind. Food and four days later it won't walk lays there. Found it outside of the brooder this morning. Then it just open and closes its beeck like every few seconds like looks like gasping for air or dying. I nursed one one time with sugar water in a dropper. So disappointing. Don't know what the deal is. Really want baby chicks and hace money invested in buying eggs and incubators. Ugh. What can I do. :(. Any suggestions!!???? Please.

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