Need help, blind baby chick with recurring pasty butt


Oct 30, 2019
Hello all, I got some day old chicks a few days ago and I have noticed one of them seems to have been born blind. She pecks at the air and has trouble finding her way around and is constantly peeping in distress. She'd about 4 or 5 days old now and she's significantly smaller than the others. I've seen her drink water and eat a little but she seems to have trouble with food specifically. She gets picked on by the others and she keeps getting pasty butt. I've been wiping it off but it's a tedious task and she panics the whole time because she can't see anything. Is there anything I can give her to prevent this from happening? And how do I teach her to eat? I've seen her eat a little bit but she seems to have trouble getting it out of the feeder. Any advice would be much appreciated, she's such a sweet baby and I'd hate to lose her.
My suggestion is to separate the blind chick and put it in a separate brooder with the next smallest chick for company. Put a wide, shallow pan or bowl of food right under the heat light so that the chick will lay right on it or near it and is more likely to grab quick bites more often. In my experience with quail, blind chicks peep way more often than normal chicks, and it isn’t a sign of illness necessarily. Whatever caused this chick to be blind can be causing other internal issues tho, the slow growth might not be related to eating it might just fail to thrive because it was born with problems.
My suggestion is to separate the blind chick and put it in a separate brooder with the next smallest chick for company. Put a wide, shallow pan or bowl of food right under the heat light so that the chick will lay right on it or near it and is more likely to grab quick bites more often. In my experience with quail, blind chicks peep way more often than normal chicks, and it isn’t a sign of illness necessarily. Whatever caused this chick to be blind can be causing other internal issues tho, the slow growth might not be related to eating it might just fail to thrive because it was born with problems.
I just had took the other chicks out of the brooder temporarily and she really went at the food. She definitely has an appetite, I think the others were stealing food from her.maybe that's why she's smaller?

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