Need help!! Can't get watery neon green and yellow poop to stop

Thank you so much for the information!!! My chickens are my babies so I am trying so hard to do all I can for her. She is doing good, just being a very picky eater. My wynadottes have never been the cuddling type like all my others. Sophie was always the least friendly but she is being so sweet now!! She wants me to love on her all the time now. Thanks again I really appreciate your help!
I use baby parrot hand feeding formula by Kaytee. Most pet stores carry it, it's called Exact.
It's great stuff for them. Will put weight on and energy back in their systems in no time too. You reccomended that to me a few months back and it is now always in the kitchen pantry.

My MayMay has had issues like your baby for a year or so off an on with the weight, the bright green poo, floppy comb, pale face, etc. She is over the age of 4 or 5, but not sure exactly how old. (she is an adoptee) I have never been able to put my finger on it, but after so long of dealing with this I have learned that 1. She will eat the baby bird food and gain weight back. 2. once she gets to feeling a little better from the parrot food, she will get the energy to eat her regualr food or your special munchies for her. 3. I ended up giving her shots of Tylan50 once a day for five days and it helped her tremendously.

I am on my fourth go around with this with her. Same story each time, same recovery time, same everything. We are thinking the liver/kidney issues as well or the Ecoli. She probably got infected with a disease at some point and time and has a reoccurance every so often. Support, Tylan, and extra love and patience. Takes about 3 weeks to a month to get through it totally. Goodluck with your baby! Keep it up.

Have you tried mashed up grapes? (seedless) yogurt? (greek kind) mine will kill for strawberry jello as well.
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Sophie did not like the parrot formula!! This is going to be some hard work. I did get a good amount down her last night and this morning. This evening was the first time I have gotten a good looking poop out of her in 3 weeks. Hopefully I will start seeing some weight gain!!

Fishnet 1971- Thanks for sharing MayMay's story. That is so encouraging to know that recovery is possible! I love my girls so much and have tried so hard to be prepared for anything they throw at me. This though has thrown me for a loop!! I think my chickens first aid kit is bigger than the one for my family!!! Having Baytril and syringes on hand saved one of my girls from e-Coli. I think everyone should have some on hand. I I have not tried the grapes but I will get some today. For some reason she is not wanting to eat anything wet or mushy. I did try the Greek yogurt because it so much more protein but she didn't like it. She used to LOVE yogurt. I also bought her some sardines, she ate a bite and quit?? She does take the cranberry gel caps and the milk thistle caps quite well though- strange?

Thanks so much for all the wonderful info!!
So is the"drinking more water" just if I feed her the formula dry? The last poop I saw tonight looked a little dry. I guess I am going to have to give her more water with the syringe.

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