Need help!! Can't get watery neon green and yellow poop to stop

have you tried any canned cat food? that is a killer with my girls. and high in protien as well. you have had a run in with ecoli before? so this is different then I am assuming?

Congrats on the good looking poo as well! maybe that means the worst is over?
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Fishnet1971 - I did try cat food but she didn't want it. For some reason she doesn't want anything wet . She used to love oatmeal. Now she goes to it, sticks her beak, shakes her head and walks away. Yes I did have ecoli with another one. I caught it really early and she did 5 days of Baytril and recovered. I am a big poop watcher. You can tell so much from their poop. I have sand boxes under their roosts and I scoop the poop like cat litter. It makes it easier to see any changes. With Sophie when I saw her poop it looked like ecoli so I took a sample to my vet and she confirmed there was bacteria in the poop so we started her on Baytril for 5 days. After 5 days her poop was still very watery with very yellow urates and neon green feces. Any traces of bacteria were gone after Baytril. Test was neg. for parasites. So I guess it is the color of the urates that makes the vet think liver/ kidney. That is the reason for the cranberry gel caps and milk thistle for liver issues. Really it could be anything. She hasn't laid an egg in a year either.

Chickenzoo- she is drinking but I just can't tell how much. I give her water when I give her the cranberry and milk thistle pills. Yes the whole giving water with a syringe scares me but I try dripping it on top of her beak and if that doesn't work, then i give it slowly right at the front of her beak and have her swallow it. I will try watching her a little more with the water.
If it is easier than what I am doing than YES!! This is a battle every time I try to feed her. I have never done it before so yes I would love instructions. What I am doing with her now is not getting any weight on her.
Holy cow! Please do not take this the wrong way, but I am surprised she is still with you! That is awesome! Have you tried feeding her pulped chicken? Literally chicken shredded to a pulp? I know, it can sound wrong, but when I was doing my best to save my main man, that was pretty much one of the only things he would eat...
NovaAman- Oh I know what you are saying!! For some reason she is doing good. I still have her in the crate but she goes outside every couple of hours and roams the yard and eats grass and bugs. She gets so excited when i walk in and say time to go outside. Poop is looking a little better. I just can't get her to gain weight. Over the last month she has gone from 4 lbs to 3.1 lbs. at least she is holding with the formula. She used to LOVE chicken. She now will eat a little bit but then stops. She is driving me crazy because I am throwing everything I can think of at her and she turns it all down. I am really surprised she has any energy?? Oh well just taking one day at a time. Thank you so much for all your advise, it sounds like you tried everything too to save your main man :) it is so hard when they get sick! I get way too attached to my chickens so losing them is hard! Thanks again!!
Tube feeding instructions

..I like to use a.goat feeding tube.. With 60cc syringe..but can be done with any soft tubing that will fit on the end of a 3cc syringe...but goat one is easier
Mix up feeding formula to a little thinner that a milk shake constancy.
Fill up syringe with formula
Take a towel and wrap up chicken so they can't struggle
Put chicken in your lap. While holding chicken in your lap and pinning them down with your arm and elbow....gently grasp wattles and pull down while taking feeding tube and inserting down into the crop.
To insert into crop..aim tip of tube to a far corner of the throat..aim the tube up and over the tounge. ..missing the hole right behind the tounge that is their air will see the tube slide down into the crop. .you will see the feathers move.and if you wiggle the tube you will see it in the crop. Once in slowly push in plunger until you see and feel the crop starting to fill. Don't fill it too much or it will back up an aspirant the bird. Best to do small feelings at first.
To remove...pull tube out in one quick motion.

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