need help deciding...


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Aug 30, 2007
New York State
My Coop
My Coop
we are planning on returning the Fuji Finepix camera we got. why? the software is awful!
we kinda need help deciding which one to buy now. we would like a canon or sony. trouble is: which one??? we'd like to keep it under $200, with at least 6x optical zoom. anyone???
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Try looking at the cannon power shot series.

Personally I don't ever use the soft ware with the camera... actually... I took mine out of the box and put in rechargables and after market memory card...

Just see if you can get a plug and play camera and copy and paste files. That way you don't end up with tags and junk attached. If you do a search on "digital camera" you might be able to find a few of the threads on cameras.
Thanks, silkie. i noticed that so many of them said that they like the Kodak EasyShare cameras. we have one--the reason we need a new digicam. but ours is a puny 2 megapixel thing that we can't even find online.
it is totally ridiculous. we'll look into a kodak maybe. also the panasonics, canons, and sonys. thanks again!

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