Need help fast!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Indiana, PA
I'm sorry for the dramatic title. I live out in the boonies and there is an outage right now in our area with the internet. Had to come to town to access and post and research.

I recently purchased two chickens at a swap. All seemed quite healthy. I noticed a couple of days ago that the bantam cochin I purchased has a clear discharge from her nose. I noticed this when she sneezed. I thought maybe she had just drank water and sneezed it out a little. The discharge was not constant. There was no smell or odor. I immediately quarantined her in the house in a bin. She seems fine in ever other way. No odd poops, still eating and drinking. This is day 4 of her being separated. Today I got her out of the bin and noticed her nostrils seemed plugged with yellow discharge. I tried to loosen it so she could breathe better. Now I notice a smell. No swelling of eyes or face.

Chicken #2 is a very fat silkie and she belongs to my six year old (She is a replacement for his rooster he just had to give away.). Anyway, I now notice she is shaking her head and doing a lot of "yawning". Doesn't seem to have discharge or anything. She is quarantined as well, since she was with the cochin.

So, I am terrified with everything I am reading about coryza. I don't know if that's what this is. I went to Tractor Supply and purchased Tylan 50 injectable and syringes this afternoon. It was the last bottle there, figured I should go ahead and get it.

We don't really have chicken vets around here.

Please don't tell me to cull everybody (We have a flock of 37 now and they have really become pets. Our first year with chickens.). If I knew that nobody else was exposed, I would definitely consider culling these two, even though it would be hard.

My questions-

1. Could it be something other than Coryza?

2. Will it hurt to treat these two with the injectable tylan regardless?

3. Should I be ordering a powdered form of Tylan and treating the rest of the flock with that as a preventative?

4. Kind advice is appreciated. I can't really deal with "You SHOULD haves or lectures about biosecurity, etc.". I have had some recent health issues and these chickens have been such a joy for me and brought me a lot of peace in my life. Trust me when I say there is nothing you can say to me lecture wise that I haven't already been saying to myself.

Thank you so much for answering this long post. I am sick to my stomach over all of this.
I also have the same issue I just posted a video of one of my silkies I hope we both can get some answers I know how you are feeling right now

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