Need help figuring out if this is a boy or girl!


5 Years
Sep 6, 2014
I have this chicken and i was wondering if anyone could tell if it's male or female?! It got injured a while ago on its neck and the feathers are barely starting to grow back. I couldn't get a really good picture either, they don't stand still very long..


I thought so :( i didn't want a rooster. Do you know if it's normal that it hasn't started crowing yet? Also my other chickens are hens and they've always been pretty mean to it, especially after reintroducing it after it was injured. Will that change once it's older? All the hens are older than him
Easter Egger cockerel. It isn't that unusual that he hasn't started crowing yet. The most common crowing age is 8-10 weeks, but it is also common for roosters to wait longer than that.
You definitely have a cockerel. My cockerels usually start crowing around eight weeks old, but it isn't uncommon for birds to take longer.

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