Need help from duck owners/Indian runner ducks owners for animal safety

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From pictures I've seen, it looks just like other crested breeds of poultry, and no one is saying that it's abuse to breed silkies or polish

I do not know about silkies or polish.

I do know eveything from genes that has to do with ducks and rats. In rats it is called rex. It is not the same but bad for the actually animals. normal x curly = rex. curly x curly = too much curly so they are naked rats, solely because the hair is so curly it grows inwards. So you can never breed a full hetero rex with an homozygote carrier.

Let's say tuffed is Tt.
Tt. is a tuffed one.
TT is a dead one.
heterozygote is survivable; homozygote deadly. So you never breed a tuffed one with a tuffed one.

But why would you even want something like that in your ducks because it looks cute and you can make Bob Ross jokes?
excuse me? I'm rude and confrontional?

I did not even say anything like that? What exactly did I say that was rude? Cool job BYC moderator.

I am so rude and confrotional to needing to adress something.. I just asked for pictures...

Even gave a whole gentic lesson too...'

You know right that at this moment this abuse is going to be illigal right? The animal abuse. So BYC just chooooses to..
2 years ago I came on this forum to warn for Indian runners are going to be the new chihuhuas.
They will be on here putting them on social media as an accesoire in diapers and clothes and alone.
Did not get taken serioulsy then; not now.
While now 50% of the topics/question revolve around "look at me and my special pet and give me money to look at it" instead of the bumblefeet questions. Questions actually about the well being of ducks.

These same people are on reddit with the same lonely duck.
No, If you breed a tufted to a non tufted, you get 50% with and 50% without tufts. It's when you breed tufted to tufted that you get fatalities.

And not sure who Bob Ross is, I just like crested birds.

99% of people breding ducks do not know that... and why does that gene even excist? Why keep a gene in it that can cause it to have fatalities?
Okay, I did read some more and it sounds just like the frizzled gene or the short leg gene for Japanese chickens.

I still stand by my statement though that it's not abuse to breed these animals as long as you know how to properly cross them
It's not just a lethal gene. Crests on ducks are not formed by a different skeletal structure like with chickens. Crests are formed by holes in the ducks skull. Fatty tissue covers the hole, leaving a raised patch of just tissue--no skull underneath. The feathers grow longer because of the raised tissue, forming a crest.

Because of the hole in their skull, they are incredibly prone to brain trauma. Getting hit over the crest can kill them because their brain will get hit. When drakes mount crested hens, they pull the crest, and the crest can get pulled off, leaving exposed brain.

These ducks also suffer neurological issues, including seizures. What if a duck has a seizure while swimming? She could drown!

Breeding these ducks is not only an issue because the ducklings can die in the shell. It is cruel to bring them into existence and have them suffer from the crest defect just because they are cute.

ETA: And most people don't even know this about crested ducks. They just buy them because they are cute, not knowing these ducks are very special needs. As a result, many suffer from the problems above. Even if someone did know these things about crested ducks, that does not prevent neurological problems, or accidental head injury.
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