Need Help Identifing a Feather Eating Pest


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 17, 2011
I saw it today its has been eating one of my hens feathers she is bare backed and her feather are crude...hens don't molt for 1 and a half years straight lol...anyway today I found 1 of them. For a while now I have been wondering what is wrong with her but today,,,

Okay so this guy was small, 1mm or less in size. Color was like transperant to light brownish but it was definitely a tiny clear looking bug. I also noticed it has a red line in the middle of its stomach.

I know these things have been eating my chickens feathers because entire flock had them but somehow they manage to recover all but 1. So I have Diotenasious Earth. But what else can I do to kill them and have my hen grow her feathers back.
but what kind of pest is it? i dont think its a mite...its small whitish bug i have seen it on other chickens as well. but it doesnt look like anything like a red mite ir watever it is...

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