Need help IDing this pretty girl


In the Brooder
May 19, 2016
Valley Center, Ca
This is Kirby. I got her as a rescue duckling when she was a fuzzy yellow little cloud. I think it is a Pekin and blue Swedish? But I am not sure.... I love her. I want to know if her eggs will be fertile (I thought she was a Rouen) because she is one of my favorites. And the grey feathers make a heart on her back.

Thanks :)

Wow, that is one of the most gorgeous ducks I have ever seen!
It could be Pekin/Blue Swedish, but I'm not quite sure. The eggs will only be fertile if you have a drake.
Thank you :D I have a black Runner and a Muscovy drake :) I don't think the muscovy has mated with her, but the runner has a lot.

Very exciting! I really cant wait to see what her babies will look like when I get a chance to hatch some out :D I will have to get a photo of her wing heart tomorrow. I probably have one, but there are thousands of photos of birds I would have to go through!
Yeah!!!!! I think you are right!!! She looks a lot like the silver colored one! Not sure what types of ducks have the spots on the beak. I thought she stained it from Mulberries for a few weeks lol. That would be great if she is an Ancona :) Thank you!
You're welcome! Anconas are gorgeous ducks, I love the variety. I have what I think is a blue Ancona, she's got a spotty bill too, it's part of why I decided to get her, like cute little freckles!
The soft silver colour on Kirby is really lovely.
Yeah, great
now I am looking at buying some Ancona eggs lol.. I really like what I am reading about them and seeing how her temperament is a little different.

Kirby really has her own way of doing things. I thought it was because she was a rescue and was with only chickens for about a week. But after reading about them, I see she is probably making decisions for the flock. She is for sure the lead duck. She is also by far the most loving and social one. She will never react negatively to another duck. She goes up wagging her cute little tail and "kissing" (I am not sure if there is a ducky term for this?) the other ducks all over. It looks like a happy dance to me.

The spots are so cute, they are like freckles!! Is that your Ancona in the profile pic? I love the marking on her face
For sure need more of these fine birds!
Best I could get... She decided it was time to take everyone for a forage adventure. 11 ducks in a row.

Oh I love her markings! I can see the heart, that's very cute.
You've got a lot of variety! Fawn and white runner, Cayuga, Muscovies, Pekin, Khaki Campbells?

Yup the one in my profile picture is my Ancona, Carue. She's definitely got a different personality than everyone else, has lots of funny quirks, instead of using the ramp to get into their pond she always just jumps in, doesn't even use her wings, it's very impressive. She likes to stand up as tall as possible on her tippy toes to reach into our raised planters and eat away all the edges of our comfrey. She does this sideways headbob that none of the others have ever done and I still don't entirely understand it, she usually does it towards our drake, it kind of seems like a greeting. She's very social too, like yours, she worked very hard to integrate into the flock when we got her, and she's willing to hang out with everyone. She's taken a while to warm up to us, we got her as an adult, and she's only just getting to the point where she'll eat from our hands, often times she's the first one to walk up when I go outside, when before she would always keep her distance.
She loves mud, I've seen her with it coating her bill, a big streak down the back of her head and her chest covered in it! And we're working on digging bigger pond, she very quickly learned to not be afraid of the shovel, got to the point where she'll stand on it so she can look through it for worms.

Thought I'd take some pictures of her to share too, obviously to help encourage you in getting more

With our drake, Kiki (Was meant to be a girl!), I think she's very fond of him. He's only recently starting to accept her.

And just an extra of my goofball Muscovy Osono coming to say hi after getting herself covered in mud.

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