Need help. losing chickens but not sure what is killing them***WARNING GRAPHIC PICS***


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Any help is appreciated.
In the last week we have lost 4 hens. I can't seem to see any track of predators but can't rule it out. I also removed our rooster thinking he may be doing it but just lost another yesterday. Here are a few pics of the last one we lost. Can anyone provide any help. I don't want to lose anymore.

Using a live trap is a great idea. We've used them with lots of success in the past. I'm so sorry for the loss of your chickens
Sorry for your lost we lost 2 also no tracks either.Our chickens just simply disappeared we didnt even have a carcass. I set traps & caught 9 raccoons. How big is your coop?
coon or possum? Electric fence 6" off ground around coop and run solved my coon and possum problems.
Looks like I am not alone with this problem. My problem just started a week ago
I redid the windows with 2 x4 wire in place of the screen I had up.
It looks like they snap the neck or bite it to kill the chicken then proceed to eat from the backside in. The outer feathers a pretty much still on the bird.
I don't see any holes around the bottom of the coop which has a dirt floor,
I will take some photos of the next one. (which i hope will not happen)
Setting three traps to night with one inside the coop and two outside. Will sperate the birds into other sections of the coop.

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